Ok, I have said in one other thread that I appreciate the fact that a family member that I have, doesnt really shun me, but wont get together with me where the witnesses can see. But I have a problem that really bothers me. This family member has a really good worldly friend, who started out as a business associate. This person is a real pig, who cheats on his wife all the time, and brags about it. He drinks too much, and has a bad record for it! (lots of dwi's) But this person is always welcome in their home, stays there all the time for sometimes over a week! Goes to the bar, gets plastered, (the both of them) eats with them and thats ok. But now I am no longer allowed to go over there for dinner cause I have the word df over my head! (when i was inactive for 15 years i was welcome) But, I am allowed to meet them in the bar, where no jw's will see! I feel like the zebra I am, the white stripes are the jw's and im not allowed, and the black ones are the "its ok, they cant see stripes!" Why is it ok for them to associate with such a worldly pig, and have him eat there and not me? Or have a girl that is catholic, that shows up on sunday meetings for good looks, hang around them every day of the week, go on vacation with them all the time, eat with them all the time, and never invite me? WTF? I get so discusted! Speaking of which, All of them are on vacation togheter right now! Whatever!
Inapropriate behavior by jw family members
by ButtLight 22 Replies latest social family
It's all about who they can use to count time on their Field Service Report™. If you're DF'd, they can't count time being around you. With the Catholic girl they vacation with, they count time. With the disgusting pig with all the DUIs, they can count time.
I've got JW relatives who do the same thing. Go camping for weeks on end with Worldly™ relatives who drink, had sex before marriage, make racist comments, but refuse to have me (not DFd by the way) in their house or include me in so-called family events because I don't go to meetings anymore.
In some ways, I think they're jealous of our freedom, but they don't dare to acknowledge that jealousy because they think it would be disloyal to the Organization.
You are so right. This discrimination has to stop. It is so cruel. I hope you find peace as you look deep inside. We are all controled by time you are one of the earleir smarter ones to see threw the BS. You will gain much insight with some pain but mostly blending and smoothing.
I feel your pain, which will go away as more insights come,,hang in there.
The way I see it, your brother doesn't want to get disfellowshipped being seen with you too often.
It's all about "being afraid of the elders" and having a good image in the congregation.
People who think like that don't really believe in God...because he is higher than the elders.
They hope to shame you into returning to the lie. They do not care that it is against your nature. They do not care about what they are doing to you, it is all about them and making sure that they make it into their screwed up 'paradise'.
My family is the same way...
Last meeting that I tried to go to I broke down and cried, I was sick to my stomach and threw up in the parking lot. I told my mother then that it was not right to try to force me to live my life according to a lie, and her only comment to me was, "Oh, grow up. It's not that bad."
A very cold woman and not someone I wish to know anymore. I walked away.
With the Catholic girl they vacation with, they count time. With the disgusting pig with all the DUIs, they can count time.
But they dont! They have never witnessed to the discusting pig ever!!!!!!!!!! If they were trying, I could see! But knowing how he is, and still allowing him into their home makes me mad. I am engaged, living with my bf, is so much more wrong! I brought it up once, the wife agreed, didnt find out what my brother thought about it. Im sure he didnt like that fact that I cut down his good worldly friend!
They also tell them the non sense that the apostates have rejected the FDS and the Truth after having known it and therefore are according to the WTS the lowest of the low. Better not to ever get baptised and wait for a resurrection in the new system lol.
The real reason they hate apostates so much and want to keep them at a safe distance is because they have a lot of damaging info on the GB and the WTS in general. They are doing it to protect their business. -
I guess i get so discusted when i find out they are all together, and i wasnt invited! It happens all the time. Sometimes i think its my fault, and im just jealous! And the next time i think thats just not right!! Why is that ok, but he cant even take his own sister????????????
Buttlight, that neon gas coming out of your ass is there for a reason - now go and fart your chemical weapon all over those pathetic hypocritical shunning losers.
And make sure it STINKS!
*hands Buttsy a big bowl of steamed cabbage and liverworst*
What Katie said...