I have been recently reading ISOCF and am now on the indoctrination chapter. What always gripes me with the witnesses has been this one simple double standard of theirs. When you look at a watchtower or any publication of theirs, it has two messages. One for outsiders, one for insiders. It encourages ones outside of the organization to challenge any and all claims of their religion to see if they are viable, even if one holds dear thoese beliefs or has had them for many years. To insiders though the message is never to research, never question, never look into any Organizational policies. This erks me as a clear double standard.
Another thing I have a problem with is they claim that questioning the GB is questioning God. Since when has questioning mens reasoning or logic been ever equated with questioning God. Should not one test and make sure that it is so, especially in the case of imperfect men. Since when does their biblical interpretations become unquestionable by the punishment of disfellowshipment. How can they not see that by putting their trust in men they are being misled. How is it so hard for them to understand that questioning any religions teaching and continually monitoring and researching everchanging doctrines is a right and normal approach to any human interpretation. Its sad but the rank and file have been conditioned to overlook this very conflicting rule when looked at against sound bible reasoning. To me its building foundations upon the sand which can be easily washed away, hence the larger JW turnover rate. I hope ones will wake up and realize that questioning mans reasoning is a necessary and very sound thing to do. Even God warns ones not to be misled but examine the utterance and make sure of all things. I have never agreed with this rule of not being able to discuss Org. policies/doctrines and never will, but would like to get an idea of how they can justify putting mans reasoning on the same level as Gods. They cant use the Holy Spirit excuse because it dont hold water, that would still require putting blind faith in man that they even have holy spirit. I dont buy their reasoning on this and never will, but sure amazes me how they dupe 6 million ordinary people into this reasoning.