:My guess's a showing of self sacrifice, they can do their good samaritan thing easier ( help a little old lady carry out her trash etc.), ......or it's so they can make an impression to the public that their doing their job and being hard working ministers for the lord. It sure the heck isn't because they nor their families and friends wouldn't help them get a car for two hard years of ministry work.
:Anyone know of the real reason?
I do. I grew up in Utah and many of my male relatives went on their 2 year missions for the Mormon Church. It's all about control. Going on a mission when one is 18 or 19 is the equivalent of going to Bethel when I was a dub. Those that don't go on missions are losers and will never "advance" very far in the Mormon Church. Have you noticed how cheap the white shirts, ties and obligatory black pants the missionaries wear are? They actually have stores in northern Utah that sell only one thing: cheap, tacky "missionary" clothing!
Missionaries are only allowed 2 phone calls home per YEAR. And the phone calls can be no longer than 5 or 10 minutes. I forget which. One is on Mother's Day and the other is on Christmas day. THAT is control! One of my cousins left his mission in Japan 6 months short of his 2 years. This is also the equivalent of a dub leaving Bethel before your 4 year stint was up: you are a loser and pond scum for doing so. My cousin never went to another Mormon meeting again and is now an agnostic. Why did he leave? He started researching his religion and found how much bullshit was in it and in the Book of Mormon. He went to one of his religious leaders with his questions and doubts. How did his leader respond?
"Do you have a problem with masturbation?" At that point my cousin realized that the Church could not defend itself against his questions and could only resort to diversionary tactics such as the red herring.
While the Mormon Church is a bit more subtle with their control of its membership than the WTS, it still has an iron grip on the lives of its members. That makes it a cult, just like the WTS.