Finally, the Dubs pried themselves away from the coffee shop this morning and 'worked' my neighborhood. I saw them coming so I had to decide what topic to discuss. Well after the intro, I decided to explain, that yes I have read the Bible, and I feel the God portrayed in it is very brutal and cruel to his creation. She asked why and I told her I felt that God's instruction to attack the Caananites was due to a promis he made to Abraham over Real estate. What did the Caananites do to them? She explained that when people do not follow god and worship Pagan Gods, Jah punishes them. I replied, but that's not why the Bible says they should be killed. The Caananites were attacked because of a promise (unbeknown to them), not because they disobeyed. Besides, God never tried to convert them to Judaism or reform them in any way, he just wanted them out of the way. She fumbled and said she'd have to do more research and would return with her hubby.
It ought to be interesting.
Any ideas ?