Going into hospital for 5-7 days for eeg observation in sacto.

by avishai 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    ((( Avi ))) I hope the outcome of your testing is good. If something is "found" then there may be a remedy. It can get frustrating when they cant find anything wrong with you. Or better yet, they tell you it's all in your head...meaning your imagination.

    Best of and lots of hugs


  • jeanniebeanz


    Sure hope that this goes well for you. How scary...


  • love2Bworldly

    Hey--I'm in Sacto. I hope everything turns out ok for you. Warning--we are having a heat wave right now, it's been over 100 for at least a week so far. Hope the air conditioning works good. What hospital are you going to?

  • MerryMagdalene

    Just wanted to add my good wishes for a very good outcome!!!


  • kazar

    Avishai, sorry to learn you are going in to the hospital. I can't be there physically, but I'll be there in spirit. Best wishes!

  • Es

    hope all goes well and thats its nothing serious. All the best es

  • doodle-v


    Hope things go ok for you.


  • Euphemism

    I hope this means that they'll be able to find a better treatment/therapy for you! And I hope you stay as comfortable and healthy as possible.

  • lawrence


    peace and blessings.

    Once lived in sacto - then Rancho, then they threw me out.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I sure hope they're able to help you, Avishai. And get back here asap, as you'll be missed much.

    Diagnosis 101: The Basics
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    Checking brain waves
    EEG is the name commonly used for electroencephalography (e-LEK-tro-en-SEF-uh-LOG-rah-fee). EEG is the most important test for diagnosing epilepsy because it records the electrical activity of the brain. It is safe and painless. Electrodes (small, metal, cup-shaped disks) are attached to your scalp and connected by wires to an electrical box. (The wires can only record electrical activity; they do not deliver any electrical current to your scalp.) The box in turn is connected to an EEG machine.

    The EEG machine records your brain's electrical activity as a series of squiggles called traces. Each trace corresponds to a different region of the brain. EEGs always used to be recorded on paper, but computerized, paperless EEGs are now used more often.

    What can the EEG show?
    The EEG shows patterns of normal or abnormal brain electrical activity. Some abnormal patterns may occur with a number of different conditions, not just seizures. For example, certain types of waves may be seen after head trauma, stroke, brain tumor, or seizures. A common example of this type is called "slowing," in which the rhythm of the brain waves is slower than would be expected for the patient's age and level of alertness.

    Certain other patterns indicate a tendency toward seizures. Your doctor may refer to these waves as "epileptiform abnormalities" or "epilepsy waves." These include spikes, sharp waves, and spike-and-wave discharges. Spikes and sharp waves in a local area of the brain, such as the left temporal lobe, indicate that partial seizures are beginning in that area. Primary generalized epilepsy, on the other hand, is suggested by spike-and-wave discharges that are widely spread over both hemispheres of the brain, especially if they begin in both hemispheres at the same time.

    Topic Editor: Steven C. Schachter, M.D.br> Last Reviewed: 2/10/04

    Epilepsy Research: Its Scope and Challenge
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