Does WT doctrine incite TERRORISM?

by Smiles 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Smiles

    There are volumes of WT writings, artist renderings and other material that make it very clear that the WT is eagerly anticipating the mass destruction of governmental, religious and commercial systems, their buildings, along with the billions of people that adhere to them.

    Combine the WT doctrine with the emotional oppression and enmity created by the divisive, nonconformist practices of the WT and you have the makings of terrorist motivations.

    If a JW or group of JWs were to ever go ballistic and act out in a massively destructive attack in society, do you think the WT doctrine would be held liable on the world scene?

  • DannyBloem

    This is just my opinion but:

    for the general public, yes. (a many hold muslim teaching repsonsible)

    for the law and people who know a bit more about the actual teachings: no. The WTS does not encourage terrorism.


  • greendawn

    I also say they don't encourage terrorism because everything they describe will come from above and they don't have plans to attack society though some dubs do say that they may participate in Armageddon.

    What they actually do is that they terrorise their members emotionally with a very agressive and negative God image which binds the jws to god in a destructive relationship that poisons their emotional world.

  • blondie

    The WTS (so far) has consistently said that JWs will merely stand by and watch as the political enntities (UN and governments) turn on "false" religion and that Jesus, the angels, and the resurrected anointed destroy everyone but JWs.

    They apply this account in the OT to illustrate what JWs will be doing at Armageddon.

    2 CHRONICLES 20:14-17 14

    Now as for Ja·ha·zi´el the son of Zech·a·ri´ah the son of Be·nai´ah the son of Je·i´el the son of Mat·ta·ni´ah the Levite of the sons of A´saph, the spirit of Jehovah came to be upon him in the middle of the congregation. 15 Consequently he said: "Pay attention, all Judah and YOU inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Je·hosh´a·phat! Here is what Jehovah has said to YOU, ‘Do not YOU be afraid or be terrified because of this large crowd; for the battle is not YOURS, but God’s. 16 Tomorrow go down against them. There they are coming up by the pass of Ziz; and YOU will be certain to find them at the end of the torrent valley in front of the wilderness of Je·ru´el. 17 YOU will not need to fight in this instance. Take YOUR position, stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah in YOUR behalf. O Judah and Jerusalem, do not be afraid or be terrified. Tomorrow go out against them, and Jehovah will be with YOU.’"

    What I have always wondered is who do JWs think will kill the "wrongdoers" in the "new system"? In days gone past I did see an assembly where GC or resurrected people who rejected God's rule dropped dead ala Ananias and Sapphira in the Bible. But I feared it would be more being executed at the elders command. I knew I did not want the elders in charge of that.


  • greendawn

    I have a feeling the elders and especially the GB will be first and foremost among the executed in a supposed Armageddon because they are really acting as impostors against God they claim he appointed them as his reps on earth whereas he never did so and they know that very well.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The WT doctrine teaches its followers to "wait on Jah" and he'll straighten out matters in due time.


  • sf

    Religious Terrorism
    Such ones practicing religious terrorism are those who are attacking Jehovah's
    Witnesses and their printing agency the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. ... Society/Religious_Terrorism_30707.html - 13k - Jul 16, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages :

    Sun Jun 26 2005

    Since 9/11/2001 many have been focusing on terrorism, it's evil, what's
    behind it and how to stop it.

    Does anyone know what is behind it? What is the objective of Al Quieda?
    No one knows. That is because they don't have an objective. Attackers
    of the USA may not like certain political, economic, ideological or
    military policies of the USA. But do we know what they like,
    what they want? Do we know their objectives? We do not.

    The other question that has been posed since that time is: How does one
    stop people that don't care about reason, that don't listen to reason and
    don't even care about their own lives?

    There is another type of terrorism that is active in the world. It is religious

    Religious terrorists do not like certain policies, beliefs or activities of
    certain religious groups. But do these terrorists have an objective? A good
    objective? Their objective only entails attacking that group.

    What do we have as the best example of religious teachings?
    We can learn much by examining the teachings when Jesus
    was on earth. The Kingdom of the Heavens is what he talked
    about. No terrorism, no attacks or assaults. Just a kingdom that
    would bring peace and life.

    The religious terrorists of his time were the religious leaders, the
    Pharisees solely bent on doing away with him, because his
    teachings didn’t promote their prosperity

    Jesus' followers had to deal with that terrorism in their time as Jude wrote.

    Jude 3 Beloved ones, though I was making every effort to
    write YOU about the salvation we hold in common, I found it
    necessary to write YOU to exhort YOU to put up a hard fight for
    the faith that was once for all time delivered to the holy ones.
    My reason is that certain men have slipped in who have long
    ago been appointed by the Scriptures to this judgment, ungodly
    men, turning the undeserved kindness of our God into an excuse
    for loose conduct and proving false to our only Owner and Lord, Jesus Christ.

    What we learn from that passage, we see happening today. Christians
    bring the message about salvation through the kingdom of the heavens,
    but they have to put up a hard fight for the faith, against whom? Ones
    who were among the faith but are now ungodly ones and have proven
    false to Jesus Christ.

    Religious terrorists don't have a message of the kingdom. They don't
    talk or write about salvation that they have in common They are not
    giving a message of how to stay true to Jesus Christ.
    What they are doing is just attacking another religion, particularly the
    faith that they had.

    Such ones practicing religious terrorism are those who are
    attacking Jehovah's Witnesses and their printing agency the Watchtower
    Bible & Tract Society. Jehovah’s Witnesses have faults,
    like Moses, did, like Peter did, like everyone else who was ever
    imperfect has. The difference is where they look to for the answers
    for that imperfection and that is in Jehovah God through Christ and
    his kingdom. Religious terrorists don’t want that kingdom. They harbor
    ill-will against Jehovah’s Witnesses and spread lies about them. They
    don’t want that message to get out. Their message focuses on them,
    not Jesus. Those who write and teach against the Watchtower are
    terrorists in that they are content solely to attack another cause
    or organization or religion but no cause or organization or
    religion to promote.

    Religious terrorists are focused on attacking a religion, not with the
    truth but with hatred. That is the reason that they should not be
    trusted or believed. Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist. He had
    a goal of attacking the United States for policies that they had and
    that he didn’t agree with. But would anyone take a civics lesson from
    him? Thus I don’t understand why anyone would listen to the
    teachings of religious terrorists as their information is not from
    a good source.

    Religious Terrorism
    Submitted by: Steve Klemetti


    The Lincoln Tribune - Forum
    Topic title:War on terrorism?The Watchtower has murdered more innocents than the
    global terrorist. How so?Premature deaths by JW followers who neglect their ... viewtopic.php?viewmode=flat&topic_id=168&forum=17 - 48k - Cached - Similar pages

    POST-HOLOCAUST Global Terrorism
    James N. Pellechia Associate Editor, Watch Tower Publications. James N. Pellechia is
    Associate Editor of Watch Tower Publications at the international ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages


  • garybuss

    If the Aryan Nations can operate visibly in the USA under protection of the United States laws, the Witnesses are pretty safe I'd think. Aryan Nations members have committed crimes but Aryan Nations has not been shut down. The Witnesses are separated from the Watch Tower Publishing financial empire by at least two fire walls. I believe we'll see history report those fire walls effective. I hope I'm wrong.

  • Elsewhere

    I would say that for JWs, Terrorism is a spectator's sport. The JWs basically wait on the side-lines and eagerly wait for Jehover to brutally murder those who don't convert.

  • Honesty

    They have been attacking Christians with their apostate articles for almost 100 tears.

    I wonder if, one day, the WTBTS will turn on the Christians with physical force and believe they are doing God's will.

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