One of he paragraphs in yesterday’s Watchtower lesson spoke of brothers presumptuously reaching out for positions or privileges within the congregation to which they are not entitled. The indication was that doing this shows arrogance and lack of humility. No one commented on this WT statement when the paragraph was covered and my guess is because it made no sense. Positions and privileges have always held out to brothers as something for which all should reach out. In fact if a brother is not reaching out he is usually considered spiritually weak. Do you think that WT comment implies that the organization is drawing lines as to WHO should reach out and WHO shouldn’t? I feel that the WT comment was insulting.
Entitled to Reach Out For Privileges?
by FairMind 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
"If any man is reaching out for an office of overseer, he is desirous of a fine work." (1 Timothy 3:1)
w01 1/1 p. 9 Be Built Up by Love ***During the 2000 service year, the number of congregations worldwide increased by 1,502, making a new total of 91,487. Hence, there is a great need for more elders, and those who reach out for the privilege are to be commended.
I think they meant that child molesters aren't "entitled" to reach out. That's all.
Spanish language congregations in the US, particularly in high-immigration areas, may have dozens of brothers who are not "qualified" to reach out due to their "undocumented" status. Some were elders or pioneers until they sneaked (snuck? snook? snicken?) over the border.
I think they might mean brothers who feel they have met the written and unwritten qualifications and every six months are passed over for appointment as an MS or an elder. Weirdly enough, many times the elders never tell these brothers what the real reason is they are passed over, and come up with some lame reason. Rather the spiritual reasons, the real reasons are political, emotional, and petty.
Even the scriptural reasons are mostly subjective.
Spanish language congregations in the US, particularly in high-immigration areas, may have dozens of brothers who are not "qualified" to reach out due to their "undocumented" status. Some were elders or pioneers until they sneaked (snuck? snook? snicken?) over the border.
Ummm, are they allowed the Privilege™ of going Door-to-Door™ if they are "undocumented" (ie, illegal aliens)?
I really would be interested in seeing if there is any organizational "turning a blind eye" toward people who are "undocumented", and whether there are JWs aiding and abetting their illegal residency in the country.
I think they just look the other way.
I also remember the politics of the jws and how the elders were trying to promote their own relatives even when there were other more mature and spiritual members in the congos.
AK - Jeff
I think they might mean brothers who feel they have met the written and unwritten qualifications and every six months are passed over for appointment as an MS or an elder. Weirdly enough, many times the elders never tell these brothers what the real reason is they are passed over, and come up with some lame reason. Rather the spiritual reasons, the real reasons are political, emotional, and petty.
This is soooo true. I spent years 'reaching out'. I was a MS forever and could never get promoted. Conducted a BS, gave talks all over he**, accounts servant, attendance servant, territory servant, literature servant, and pioneer. Hell I was even assistant WT study guy for a spell as an MS. I spent years asking the elders what qualifications I was not meeting in Timothy and Titus [yes I was actually ignorant enough to believe that the Bible was the superior guide in these things - hey THAT may have been the problem]. Then finally this little whiney-ass CO from Florida took me aside and asked me " What is your opinion as to the most important qualification to be appointed an elder?" My answer was "That one loves the brothers and wants to help them serve God fully" - BUZZZZ - wrong answer. He told me the most important qualification was being able to be in total agreement with the elders, so that the body could accomplish Jehovah's work in theocratic unity. [or the substance of that BS] I guess I was seeing thru the crap even then - I must have looked like an apostate in the making to these company guys, I kept wanting to use the Bible as my guide. They didn't dare argue with the Bible directly, so they finally had to let me know that it was company men that got promoted not Bible believers like me. I was out in a couple years after that. One of the many points of light that finally let me see the 'truth about the troof'. Jeff