what's a boy to do?

by jonjonsimons 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • jonjonsimons

    Hey all,
    I don't know if my karma is screwed up or what, because today just has not been my day. First I got up this morning, logged on the board and the first post I read was that drivel from You Know or Who Knows or whatever his/her name is. So being the mature adult that I am I posted a snide reply and turned on the tv. I looked out of my front window and boom there were 2 JW's at my neighbors door. I ducked instinctively but I could tell they had seen me watching.(damn I knew I should of gotten darker blinds) Normally I would not have even answered the door, but I was in a foul mood so against my better judgement I did. Let me explain my mood. Today is the anivesary of my JW mothers death. She passed away due to the WT stand on blood. That's all I'm saying on that issue. Well I politely told the JW sister at the door that I was not interested. Have JW's gotten pushier since I left, because this woman would just not take no for an answer. Again I told her that I was not interested and started to shut the door and this bitch stuck her foot in the way and proceded to tell me that I was going to lose out on eternal life if I didn't wake up and pay attention. Well children, let's just say that SET ME OFF. I will admit I am now slightly embarrassed at some of the things I said to her because she did have a kid with her and I could tell by the look on the kid's face that he was mortified. It reminded me vividly of my field service years. Anyway, here is my point. How do I make sure they DON'T COME BACK. I was never DF'd but I was DA'd back before they changed the policy on DAing people who were raised in the truth, but never baptised. Do I call the local KH and tell them to fuck off or what. Do I call the cops next time they won't leave. I dunno know to do.

    Opinions are like a**holes. We've all got one and most of them stink.

  • gsark

    Can't you just put a sign on your door? with some kind of scripture for them to look up, change the scripture from time to time to suit your mood.

    It probably wouldn't work. "but we have to knock anyway, they might lose their lives" Although I recall Jesus telling his disciples that they should shake the dust from their feet and LEAVE.

    It is NOT persecution for Jesus' name if they don't obey the letter/spirit of the bible and then get in trouble for it. DUH!!

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • think41self

    Yikes JonJon,

    You really are having a bad day. I am SO sorry about your mother, and that is all I will say on the matter. I just want you to know I am sincerely sorry.

    As for not having the witnesses come to your door ever again, how serious are you about that? If you really don't care about what anyone thinks, you could call the local hall or write them, give them your address, tell them you are an apostate who will rush out of his house forcing copies of Crisis of Conscience on anyone who knocks on your door! The problem with that is...after a few years your name may get smudged out on the back of the territory card...or some ding dong may just forget to look. So to be completely safe you could just post a sign on your door: "Apostate within, knock at your own risk". I would think that would stop even the most dedicated bible thumper.


    "When agnostics die, do they go to the great perhaps"?

  • alirobbi

    to expand on think41self's idea, you could make a photo copy of COC, lamenate it and hang it on your door. They might come up to your door but I would bet they won't knock and the word would spread without you having to make contact with them. :)

    edited for typos

  • bigboi

    Hey Jonjon:

    I don't think all witness are as pushy as that sister. Your sermon to her will probably become famous and imprinted on her mind at the very least. I doubt she will ever return to your house. However, if word gets around and they someone else comes by, I think they'll make it a point to be a whole lot nicer. LOL!



  • rollercoaster

    Hey, I saw a sign at the fair that said "NO JEHOVAH WITNESSES" I almost bought it. There was another that said "NO RELIGIOUS FINATICS"
    Anyway, If you don't want them to come around you can just post it on your door.

  • Tina

    I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. I sure understand(as everyone else) how lousy some 'anniversary days' can be. We're here for you sweetie!
    hmmmmm, Jw's must have only knocked on my door twice since I left and they were another cong. I was probably marked cuz they always skip my place. I do keep my Born Again pagan T shirt in the hallway,it was what the 'reasoning' book would call a thought stopper lol(something like that,havent seen the book in yrs since I trashed all that LITTER ature......) it worked once! lol......
    On a serious note,I remember working in field service with types like that. It was what I secretly called 'kamikazi preaching' and always wanted to fade into the woodwork with mortification.
    I thought the suggestion about calling the cong was a feasible one.... that's something I would do. I'm sure you'll get more suggestions. Anway ((((((((((((jj)))))))))))) hang in there!luv,Tina

  • jonjonsimons

    Thanks everyone for all your suggestions. You guys/gals are just the best. I normally don't mind when they come to the door because I usually like talking/debating with them but due to the circumstances I just wasn't in the proper frame of mind. I do like the various sign ideas so I just might do that. Also thanks to all for your kind words. This time of year is just kinda yuck for me even after all these years.
    take care,

    I have a tee shirt that says /Reformed Heterosexual/. Mabey I'll try hanging that on my door next time I see them coming. Although then they would probably just try even harder. Mabey I should have one made that says /Reformed JW/. Most people wouldn't get it but it would be too much fun to wear it and drop in on a local JW picnic or something.

  • JanH

    Visit http://www.evolvefish.com/ and look for it at "stickers".

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

  • nelly136

    Theyre like junk mail, you can have them stopped at source
    write a letter to the local kh saying you wish to be taken off their territory list.
    Make it quite clear that any further calls willbe viewed as
    harrassment and if need be you will seek legal advice
    if you get any more visits
    sorry bout your mum ((((hugs)))

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