Ex JW success stories

by greendawn 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    The WTS likes to claim that there is no real life outside the borg and those leaving it, that is leaving jehovah, to re enter -gasp- satan's world are unlikely to find any satisfaction or success in life.

    Yet many ex jws have done much better after leaving the borg in terms of family life, social life, job wise, financially, and educationally, spiritually, and overall adjusted to a much more natural and fulfilling life style.

    Do you know of such ex jw success stories personal and/or those of others?

  • under74

    Well, as a JW kid my mom pulled me and my younger siblings out of school to be home schooled...which in our case meant we had to teach ourselves how to read. College was never an option. I just got my MFA and my younger brother is starting graduate school in Fall. On top of that, me my siblings and our mom got a lot closer after leaving and we all have full lives.

  • damselfly

    Lets see now...... since leaving I have gotten warmly welcomed into my partner's family, where there is no judgement, only support and love shown. I have a career that I love and am successful at. I've gone to school and am currently working on an additional degree. I no longer suffer from depression, eating disorders or panic attacks. I'm still working on the social skills but they are getting much better. I don't consider myself religious but I am spiritual.

    I am at peace.


  • under74

    PS- I think anyone with a story about leaving the WTS has a success story.

  • Emma

    I'm happy and satisfied with life, happier than I ever was when I "had all the answers." I don't live in fear, I have provided for myself and my kids, even without a higher education; my kids are living happy, free, productive lives, going to college, travelling.

    I made real friends! Friends who love me unconditionally and have helped me through crises in my life.

    I don't live in fear of demons, or armagedon, or jah's vengence. Or being on the street, or hopeless.

    I no longer believe I'm worthless.

    I'm successfully recovering from the loss of my family and "friends."

    I'm sure I'l think of more.


  • mtbatoon

    Spot on under74 we've all achieved the greatest success in our lives by leaving.

    No great academic success or brilliant career but I have a much better family life than I would have being bound by the pressure of the org. From that scared naïve 16 year old to the man I am today I'd say I've succeeded.

  • PaulJ
    PS- I think anyone with a story about leaving the WTS has a success story

    I couldnt agree more!

    Since I have left I have found a fantastic woman to spend my life with. I love her more and more each day and she loves me. We have a gorgeous baby daughter together and she is doing well. We live in a nice house in a nice, peaceful town. My job is good, and is getting better.

    My wife's family are great and they have been really good to me.

    Above all I feel happy.

  • Thirdson

    Let's see...the biggest difference, I am saving towards my retirement.

    As I told my Dad, who thinks I am materialistic, I have a decent job (I enjoy my work) with a good company, live in a modest home (for the area) and the only debt I have is my mortgage.

    I am happily (re)married, we have a son (step/son) who is planning to go to college in a year or so and a baby daughter. We attend a local church, do volunteer work and give to a number of charities. My wife's family is wonderful too.

    Life is pretty good since leaving Watchtowerland. Of course, in the JW view, Satan looks after his own!


  • LouBelle

    3rdSon here here! I've got 2 policies and am getting a 3rd and I don't feel guilty. I don't feel guilty about working hard and being rewarded financially for it. I'm a lot more in tune with MY spirituality. And life is not so rushed. I can take it easy and that in the long run is good. Still working on the soical aspect as well it's still new and have to make more friends.

  • greendawn

    It's amazing how people's lives improve once they kick the jw demon out the door, and remember those dubs that came to your door to furtively bring them into your life with all their destructive power while promising to you a spiritual paradise. After the WTS that poisonous darkness is no longer disrupting your life.

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