Go UBC! Oh, and congrats to your daughter! Hope she gets a great education, fisheries, maybe???
by misguided 23 Replies latest jw friends
Go UBC! Oh, and congrats to your daughter! Hope she gets a great education, fisheries, maybe???
Hey Rose that's fantastic!!
More and more young Dubs are heading off for university despite what the Borg is saying. I wish you and your daughter all the best!
Good for her.
Hooray for Rose's daughter! I wish her all kinds of success at University!
Wooooohooooo! How awesome! Good for her!
Hey, Rose! Very good news indeed! What a world of opportunity and experience is about to open up to her. I posted somewhere else recently that my long-time-a-dub brother whom I haven't seen in 4 years approached me at a famoly BBQ and just simply said : "ALL my kids are going to get an education." You may have read that post already. He and I talked about the jw's anti-education campaign a long time ago and he said even then that in Vancouver BC there were alot of "rebels" as he put it who did NOT agree with the society's rant against education. But I also know there are ones who will proverbally spit in your face if you or a family member dares to defy that rubbish.
I took alot of really vicious abuse from" god's pure organization " when I simply upped and went to nursing school.It was my departure gift from the borg. My overwhelming realization that the JW religion was a life-wrecking con dates from that time. Having an education is like having your very own genie in a bottle...it's your passport to travel, adventure, self awareness and self-sufficiency. To take pride in yourself is a necessary foundation stone of mental health. A woman with an education has a built in support system, a fall-back mechanism when life hands her a lemon. And life can be cruel. Look at the wrenching stories of all of us who depended on those good old jw boys to take care of us!
I have pm'd you and also Orbison but I don't know what I am doing wrong as neither of you have gotten those messages. Please pm me and tell me how to do it the right way! :-D
P.S. BIG high five to your daughter!
Wow, she must be thrilled!
I can only dream of attending ubc...
One day I hope to make it to nearby Vancouver, at least.
Horray and congrats to your daughter, Rose!
Thank you all for your best wishes for my daughter.
She's going into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.
I sure wish I'd had that opportunity. However, I suppose I should be happy with getting through school as a single parent of 6 (I just graduated from College in 2000!)
When I told my mother I was going to go, she looked at me with that worried look she gets and said, "don't you think this is the wrong time to be doing this the end is so close!" I went anyways, thank god, but for a moment the guilt factor set in and I actually considered what she said. Did she expect me to raise these kids with no child support on welfare or working at Wendy's?
You went to school raising 6 children????? They should have given you the Purple Heart!......for bravery under fire!!!