Im not trying to defend Jehovah's witnesses here but that report sounds a bit exagerated to me
Jehovah Witnesses in the News
by Legolas 13 Replies latest jw friends
and the thing about the grandmother going to the new world, meaning heaven, didn't sit right with me either. JW's don't believe they are going to heaven,they believe the new system will be right here on earth....
How does a nonJW journalist try to explain the complexities of the WTS beliefs to the general reading audienece?
She tries to make things as simplistic and understandable to the readers as possible. WE know that JWs don't believe the majority are going to heaven, but the average person can relate to the "concept" of heaven, which the JW strives to achieve in their teachings.
It's what they "work towards" and hope to attain when all is said and done, which would be the "equvalent" of any other religion's belief that they are going to heaven when their life is finished.
I don't see this as being purposely deceptive, but a way of trying to explain JW beliefs to the best of her ability AS a nonJW. For God's sake, WE can't explain or understand a lot of the WTS goofy teachings---how would you expect someone briefly reporting this as her job---to do any better?
Just my 2 cents
the Catholic abusers and their supervisors were paid church employees while the elders of the Jehovah's Witness churches are not. The Catholic victims had a different relationships with that church because they were often altar boys or members of church youth groups or camps, not merely members of the church. Also, they were often abused on church property or on church outings. The sisters, by contrast, were only members of the church and were abused by their father off church grounds. And he was not a church official.
Are these judges complete and total ASSHOLES??!! What earthly difference does it make if you're an altar boy or "merely members of the church" when it comes to sexual abuse??!! This makes me SICK!! I'm sure these judges would view it differently if their children were sexually abused by members of their own religion.
Reporting abuse
Concord Monitor, NH - 3 hours ago
... some key questions. The case involved two children whose family belonged to a Jehovah's Witness congregation in Wilton. Paul Berry ...This is the one we have been waiting for,this is the newspaper management speaking.