JWD Awards??

by RichieRich 189 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    Here's my suggestion:

    The Severed Barbie Doll Head award for the Best Birthday Party of the Month, or whatever.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'm going to jump to the end of this thread right now before I POP --

    I suggest that the awards should be called


    get it? apost - trophies? a trophy for an apostate???

    please, someone! Validate me!!

    (edited: missing "I" located and inserted)

  • upside/down

    You need to keep the "i" in "apostrophies"... or it doesn't work.

    Other than that, I like it.


  • upside/down

    So who would get the award of "Simon's least favorite poster"?

    I think I'm a contender... without even trying....(especially since I rough house with his little beeatch h_s)....I'm funnin Simon!

    u/d (of the no one understands me class)

    p.s.- I'd still kiss Simon on the lips if given the chance...I like JWD THAT MUCH!!!

  • RichieRich


    So lets get some cateogries.

    Valis, I got your PM last night. Point taken. I'm gonna need your help on this...

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'd like to nominate Brooke for the "Wayneandgarthsayschwing!!!" award.

  • jgnat

    OK, here’s all the proposed categories. The gramma-censor in me nixed a few. The self-aggrandizers and the puppy-love fans got nixed too. The categorizer in me then sorted the remainder. I filled in the gaps with a few contributions of my own:

    - Most logical

    - Most likely to make your brain hurt

    - Most likely to make you LOL, bringing your honey out of the side room asking what in the heck is going on?

    What are your top ten favorites?


    1. Poster you'd Like to – go on Vacation with

    2. Poster you'd Like to – Sit at the DC with.

    3. Cutest

    4. Most sycophantic poster

    5. Hot Looking Mama Award

    6. Best Auntie

    7. Best Birthday Party of the Month

    8. drink the most budlight award

    9. apologizes the quickest

    10. most obsessed with gender

    11. Irrepressible

    12. most beans

    13. Most likely to make you LOL

    Board Star

    14. Funniest Poster

    15. Most Insightful Poster

    16. Sweetest

    17. Best Attitude

    18. Most Poignant

    19. Best Dub apologist

    20. Most Creative Poster

    21. Most logical

    22. Most likely to make your brain hurt

    Mostest and Leastest

    23. Uses the most Emoticons

    24. Worst Speller

    25. Most Prolific Serial Thread Killer Award

    26. Award For Most Beer Drank At Apostafest

    27. poster who's threads die the quickest

    28. most read teenage poster

    Weenie Awards

    29. The Poster that you Love to Hate

    30. Longest / Most Intricate Poster

    31. Poster you'd Like to – Scream at

    32. Most Often Wrong

    33. Most likely to run from a fight

    34. Most likely to miss the point entirely

    35. Most likely to cry 'no fair' in a fight

    36. Meanest

    37. Worst Attitude

    38. Most likely to quote a source out of context

    39. worst Dub apologist

    40. Worst Troll

    41. Most Apostate tho still a Witness

    42. Most Witness tho Apostate

    43. Biggest Attention Whore

    44. Please Validate Me!

    45. Biggest Sacred Cow

    46. dumb blonde

    47. Most Likely To Pass Out Drunk With His Finger On The

    48. poster who has gone the longest without a PM

    49. Most likely to hit an old man in Brooklyn

    50. mediocre in everything

    51. most unlikely to win an award

    Moderator Awards

    52. Most likely to lock a thread

    53. Best JWD administrator ...

    54. Best deleter ...

    Gramma Jgnat Rejects

    Poster you'd Like to - Screw

    Best Male Bosoms(or "The 'Bitch-Tits' Memorial Award")

    Biggest 'Dog'

    Best Hat

    Biggest Hat

    Best Hamster In a Robe

    most likely to want to sit next to Integ at the DC

    lovely coat that is so shinny and no bugs

    Most Attractive Lupine in a Wool Garment

    uses the little beer smiley the most.

    'most beautiful person in the world'

    best looking poster from paisley award

    Best American-baiter ...

    My top ten are:


    1. Poster you'd like to go on Vacation with

    13. Most likely to make you LOL

    Board Star

    18. Most Poignant

    20. Most Creative Poster

    22. Most likely to make your brain hurt

    Mostest and Leastest

    23. Uses the most Emoticons

    25. Most Prolific Serial Thread Killer Award

    Weenie Awards

    29. The Poster that you Love to Hate

    51. most unlikely to win an award

    Moderator Awards

    52. Most likely to lock a thread
  • minimus

    jgnat----I love it!

  • RichieRich

    JGNAT- I love what you did. Thank you.

    The only one of your top 10 that I don't like is the THread Killer.

    Its not an opinion , its a fact, ya know? and who wants to count all the threads they've killed?

    How about a "Most Active Apostate" award? For Danny Haszard, Kwin, and the rest of the gang?

  • BrendaCloutier

    To quote Lilo of Lilo and Stitch: "I Like It!" Good job JGNAT!

    But I still like my "severed barbie doll head for best birthday award". But it may not fit well here, and I am willing to admit that. Big if me, eh?

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