question about deja vu & precognition???

by manicmama 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • manicmama

    I have a question to anyone out there that are practicing wicca and/or are interested paganism. A little background on a little jw I never bought into the religion, however I had no choice on the subject as most of you can identify with. When I was young, probably till the time I was around 14-15 I would have EXTREME deja vu. I would know what an entire conversation was going to be and would repeat it in my head thinking this is very weird. I almost felt as if I was frozen in time and looking through on the outside. This happened a lot and I would have precognition on certain things as well. I never mentioned it to my mother as I'm sure she would have thought I was demonized and a JC would have ensued.

    As I aged they became less and less and I never really thought about it anymore. Now for my question......They have started again and are getting stronger and more often. Is there a reason why they have started again?? I have since come to find out that my oldest daughter also has the same situation. I would be interested on any input you have. Thanks!


  • Emma


  • Lilycurly

    Well, not many people have this talent. So all I can say, is "Use IT!"

    I've been very interested by this subject and am planning to make some serious research on deja vu and precognition. All I know is that my father used to explain the phenomenon to me by saying that it was some kind of brain freak-out. It didn't make any sense to me, as I beleive in the paranormal. Of course Wicca and similar religion beleive in this, but I've never seen it explained. In the old time, you and your daughter probably would have been considered priestesses or conselors of some kind.:P Nothing keeps you from doing the same Cultivate the gift, meditate with a lighted candle, things like that. You might be surprised at what you can acheive.

  • Elsewhere

    I knew you were going to post about this!

  • damselfly

    this happens to me quite a bit as well. I have no idea why, if anyone has any ideas they would be appreciated.


  • DannyBloem

    It is better to speak about a feeling of Deja Vu, because it is just a feeling. It can be triggered by older memory or even fantasies. Different theories there. But it can be explained rationally. Most people have them.

    precognition is just a chance that something you actually think, erally happens. It is not more then normal that you think something and it just happens, because you think lot of stuff and you forget the things that ever happened.


  • Sirona


    Good question.

    I'm wiccan (and pagan of course) so I'll try to give my opinion.

    Precognition can occur with anyone, but if you feel you have a particular ability then you'd do well to develop it. Basically, my beliefs regarding precognition are that first of all everything is connected, so there is no reason why you wouldn't "pick up on" something happening thousands of miles away. On a certain level, there is no physical distance.

    Expand that idea to relate to time. There is no "time" it is just our human way of percieving the passing of events and measuring experiences. Therefore, if the past, present and future are all limitless and not bound by "time" then it is entirely possible to know in the present what will occur in the future (or what did occur in the past for that matter).

    As for the "WHY" question, I think that those who are pregcognitive planned to be in this life (as I believe in reincarnation) and that it is there specifically to either 1. teach you something important which will affect your path in this life or 2. help other people realise something important via your precognition.

    With regard to knowing about conversations before they happen, even seemingly meaningless ones, I'd say that these occurances are serving as a reminder to you that you have this ability. Once you "hone" it (sp?) then you'll receive more meaningful precognition IMHO.

    You'd do well to keep a diary. Log when it happens. You'll soon see how often and in what circumstances. Then you can maybe more clearly see a pattern. Remember to note your physical wellbeing at the time, the moon phase, the date and day, your location and anything else you might find significant. That way, you'll be able to understand this better.

    Blessed be!


  • greendawn

    Though not pagan there are times when I get that deja vu feeling, very strange as if it were like an event pre recorded on a film that had to be played out at some time, but nothing more comes out of it.

  • riotgirlpeeps

    Sirona had a lot of very good and valid points.

    Personally I don't classify myself as anything specific though I have natural wiccan tendencies.

    As for reasons for it coming back in full and stronger force now, I have found myself in a similar situation. Though with me its more pre cog events vs deja vu. I have always had experiences growing up that a good jw shouldn't have unless it was the demons. (What a joke). With myself this is what I have found.

    For a time instances decreased with me as well, I attribute it to being at a point in my life where I was trying to block out those things in my life and mind, and honestly I was going through and dealing with enough things that I doubt I would have been able to handle seeing or having those things happen to me, so I switched it "off" in my sub. As I began to draw away from the Jws again I was allowing my mind to open up again and began to recall several instances and had several more occur around me. I don't claim to understand it all. But truly I believe with you it could be something similar.

    PS As for your daughter, often these things do run in families it just relies on finding those in the family who are willing to talk about it. I have an aunt who has been a huge help to me in my quest, which I continue.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    its often about timing.... I had a dream of a helicopter landing on my car and not two days later I was bringing my god daughter

    to the hosp to deliver her 2nd child and a helicopter came right over my car and landed very close to it....

    if it were a week or two later I might not even find it odd....but within 2 days having such a vivid dream and then watching what seemed

    like a very near fulfillment makes it stand out.... I have had dreams of air craft in the past, but generally on the order of one ever 10 years or so.... coincidence? who knows.... it really did nothing but make me ponder... other than that it had no impact on my life at all.... other than to make one more odd conversation like this one....which I suppose has some value.

    spooky $#!+

    most people have a feeling of de ja vu from something they cannot easily place....its like they may have dreamed it, or may have had some vision of it before, but they cannot put their finger on it.... this is usually caused by some sort of hiccup in the memory transfer system... you are actually comparing it to a memory you just made about three seconds ago, but for some reason it was not tagged properly and you cant identify it properly


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