The GB members fate after they die

by greendawn 17 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Buster

    Good one Richie - from one clay shooter to another.

    I had a conversation with a dubbie once that spouted the 'can't go beyond the things written' excuse when confronted about the child abuse scandals. He said, referring to the investigation when they cannot get two eye witnesses, 'there would be no more we could do,' and finally, 'we must let Jehovah handle it.'

    I asked him to look forward to a reckoning with the most high, as he went for his heavenly reward, "How are you going to answer God when he says, "I did handle it. That child came to you. I put you there to handle it." I don't think they get in.

  • upside/down
    1000 years in unimaginable glory.

    How empty and vain can one get...?

    I just want to be able to still get laid... and play my guitar...

    u/d (of the never wanted to be King class)

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i believe the atheist's "afterlife" awaits them all:

    Compared to the great vastness of the cosmos, the ocean of deep time, my individual existence is a blip, a bubble in the foam on the surface of a flowing river. I am a momentary arrangement of atoms and molecules - an arrangement that lives and moves, to be sure, an arrangement that thinks, laughs, appreciates beauty, dreams, and loves - but a mere arrangement nonetheless, a transient state, an ephemeral gathering. Soon the blip will go out, the bubble will pop, the arrangement will dissolve, molecular bonds released by entropy. My consciousness will cease. But the molecules that once were me will still exist. The atoms that made up my body - iron, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, all the heavy elements forged in the crucibles of dying stars - will remain. Liberated from their temporary home, they will rejoin the rest of the planet, taking new shapes, finding new arrangements, becoming part of other life. I will become merged with everything.

    I will become part of the trees that grow wherever my ashes are scattered, joining the ecosystem of the forest. I will be in the slow green heartwood of the trunks as they patiently tick off the centuries, in the buds that burst forth in spring and in the leaves that explode with color in autumn. I will be the sparkle of sunlight on the surface of a flowing mountain stream. I will sink into the earth and mix with the groundwater, eventually flowing back and rejoining the ocean where all life on this planet ultimately began. I will be in the waves that crash on the shore, in the warm sheltered tidal pools, in the coral reefs that bloom with life, and in the depths that echo with whale songs. I will be subducted into the planet's core and join the three-hundred-million-year cycle of the continental plates. I will rise into the sky and, in the fullness of time, become dispersed throughout the atmosphere, until every breath will contain part of me. And billions of years from now, when our sun swells and blasts the Earth's atmosphere away, I will be there, streaming into space to rejoin the stars that gave my atoms birth. And perhaps some day, billions of years yet beyond that, on some distant planet beneath bright alien skies, an atom that once was part of me will take part in a series of chemical reactions that may ultimately lead to new life - life that will in time leave the sea that gave it birth, crawl up onto the beach, and look up into the cosmos and wonder where it came from.

    And the cycle will begin again.

  • willyloman

    It's for charlatans like the GB that we invented the concept of hell. I mean, people should have to pay, you know? I'm comfortable with the thought they'll all meet their maker one day and, boy, will they be disappointed!

  • greendawn

    So all of them from Russell to Rutherford to Knorr-Franz all the GB since they got authority in the 1970's and any other unknown persons hiding behind them will be for the Gehenna of fire.

    When they meet their Maker they will have to explain why they falsely presented themselves as his sole channel of communication to the world and demanded status on the basis of this claim. They acted as impostors who subsequently misrepresented God's character, policies and intentions for mankind.

    Tetra the atheist's perpective of eternity is sad, fortunately there are better things in store for mankind than the eternal dissolution of the human body and being into its constituent atoms.

  • ColdRedRain

    It's sad, but then again, life is sad. Hoping in things that have no proof isn't a way to deal with the hereafter.

  • Sunspot

    There has to be some kind of retribution for them! It's not as if they "made mistakes" like the average stumbling, bumbling guy (and gal) who goes through life doing the usual hurting of feelings to his fellow man. These guys have gone way out of their way to lie, deceive and gain power and glory for themselves.

    There has to be a special kind of "facing the music" set aside for them, other than realizing that they were in error all these years. They have played a very dangerous game, that of climbing up into the seat of Jesus and taking over his role of Savior with six million or so people, and that needs to be atoned for, IMHO.

    Somehow WE all know that THEY all know that they are frauds, liars, and sneaky weasels, so I don't think things will be any surprise to them. As all these prophecies have fallen by the wayside, and the desperate lengths they have taken to hush things up and/or arrange "new light" to be announced when they realized they have screwed up.......these abhorrent deeds are worth a whole lot of pain and humiliation.

    I'm hoping they will be exposed as the lowlife they are, and more publically and hardhitting than just what we have discovered about them. I'm thinking before they die, there will be global exposure to all JWs so that they will see just why we left and they will have the same reaction of loathing and disgust that we here now share.

    THEN these frauds will be able to face up to their eternal punishment with less than sheepish hearts, but standing tall alongside other hideous people in history and get their lumps.

    That's my hope, anyway!


  • Honesty

    I would be begging for mercy from Jesus as soon as I resigned if I were a member of the Governing Body .

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