
by msil 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • msil

    Is it necessary to resort to the schoolyard talk and name-calling every time someone says something, which is in disagreement with you, or is something you don't agree with?

    Interestingly, some of the more "knowledgeable" persons on here seem do be the first to resort to these measures. Why is that? Do they feel like they are better than the next person?

    One of the aspects of mind control used by the dubs is prejudice. They are prejudiced against anything that they don't come up with or anything that is outside of their comfort level. It seems as if many are still under this influence and still need to break free. AS LONG AS YOU ARE SO QUICK TO LABEL OTHERS AND CATEGORIZE THEM YOU ARE STILL NO FREE!!

    Just because the number of posts someone has made may be low that doesn't make their input irrelevant.

    The bigmouths are going to have bad days when they are feeling raw and want some mental/emotional support. What response will you want at that time? You might have tough personal circumstances and now all of a sudden the people you have treated like dirt have to feel sorry for you...

    Well I hope that when you do experience these times (and you definitely will) that everyone else (including those you have scorned and called names) will treat you with the utmost graciousness and not treat you as you have treated them. Perhaps then you might see and feel the support everyone needs and in turn you might also learn to realize that EVERYBODY has personal circumstances and hardships going on and nastiness just makes decent people think less of you - even if they do find the humor in what you say.

    Peace to all of you.

  • Prisca

    Well said msil.

    There is too much name-calling and nastiness that comes from certain individuals on this DB. Whatever freedom of speech means to a person, I do believe that there is no excuse for rudeness. When "free speech" degrades or deliberately insults someone else, then it goes beyond common decency and only reveals the true nature of the one saying such things.

  • Flip
    Is it necessary to resort to the schoolyard talk and name-calling every time someone says something, which is in disagreement with you, or is something you don't agree with?

    msil, could you please provide just one good example of what upsets you or what it is you’re referring to?

    I honestly don’t recognize what you are ‘seeing’. Keeping in mind it’s impossible, because of life style priorities, for me to read every post.


  • Scorpion


    For Msil to do as you request, would be to open up a can of worms that might lead this thread into one of the very posts msil mentions.

    Names would be posted to prove the point. I think it not a good idea.

  • Flip
    …open up a can of worms that might lead this thread into one of the very posts msil mentions.

    Fair enough Scorpion, if I understand you correctly, the less said the better.


  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    There is language used on this board that is not to my liking either such as profanity, especially the “f” word and references to sexual acts that are better left in the bedroom between partners. However, having been on the old H2O and now this board for a couple of years, I have grown used to the ranting of certain individuals and their use of the profane. It gives us insight into their personalities and their views.

    I too worry that such harsh language may run-off certain new ones who are venturing into the world of the Internet for the first time. However, for msil to become so critical of so many during his first week here seems rather presumptuous, don’t you think?

    I would rather see msil blend into this board for a while and let us evaluate where he is coming from. Some have thought that he was a WTS troll. Are we convinced that he is not? Personally, I do not think it prudent to throw one’s weight around so soon after joining a group.

    Sam Beli

    I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind. What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted. Eccl 1:14, 15

  • Kent
    Interestingly, some of the more "knowledgeable" persons on here seem do be the first to resort to these measures. Why is that? Do they feel like they are better than the next person?

    Dear msil;

    Would you please be a little more accurate in your aiming? What persons here do you think feel they are "better" than others?

    You are talking about "knowledgable" personas. Is that why you are on the chat using 2 different names at the same time (msil and xxx (name edited))?

    I don't accuse you of anything - I just say your behaviour is surprising.

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • msil


  • msil


    I told you why I had to create a second ID.

    The old one is retired and no longer in use.


  • outnfree




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