When the WTS decidedes that an "old truth" needs to be updated or corrected or revised, and the powers-that-be CHANGE a previous belief that was "food from God" but is no longer viable....how can JWs then justify that "it was not "food from God" after all?
The erroneous, false teaching that millions BELIEVED WAS TRUTH, and WAS TOLD TO BE TRUTH, and was ENFORCED AS TRUTH.....is now considered to be a "mistake", and despite the R & F protestations, were not really THE TRUTH or truthful after all! I wonder how JWs can put any ; faith, trust or confidence in these "men-who-make-mistakes" to be teaching "the truth" at present time?
Excellent, Sunspot. You are a wise lady! This is philosophical thinking though...JWs are taught to shun that. It is "twisting words", from the great Satan, the devil, the Lucifer (of course, anything that goes against the WTbts is...)
In a newspaper, when there is a retraction, the editor puts a little black box with an explanation about why the change took place. It is called ERRATA. This is a way of flagging mistakes and calling attention to them. This builds trust between the public and the newspaper. It shows a willingness openly to show humilty and correct error.
The Watchtower is more like a guy who discovers his fly is open and secretly fumbles it shut with his back to you with a red face while whistling off key.
It is shame. The Watchtower is ashamed they aren't infallible in their Pope-like splendor.
I graduated high school in 1991, and the quote in the 1989 Jan 1 Watchtower was integral to my ultimate decision to completely cutoff my unbelieving father and go to tech school so I could have a skill they needed at Bethel.
So changing something without telling me was a very big deal - especially considering I only found out about the change less than a year ago.