I came across this today and thought it was interesting. I'm new here to the board and it might be something you guys already know about but if your interested here is the link. http://www.nsbible.org/pastor_not_founder.htm
Russell not founder of JW's
by orion 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yes come across it before.
The Bible Students try to distance themselves from the JW's by saying that Russell didn't found the JW's. That it was Rutherford who took the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" years after Russell died. Ignoring the fact that its official name is still "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society" and "International Bible Students Assocation" which were founded by Russell.
The Bible Students say they follow the "real truth" as taught by Russell. Having spoken to a couple of Bible Students they seem to be more concerned with following the man than any biblical teaching. Start asking about Russells prophecies on 1914, or that Christ came in 1874 or about the Great Pyramid. You will find they soon shut up and stop speaking to you.
Funny! I once posted a thread on a Music newsgroup, mentioned Pastor Russell and JW's relating to a topic on the newsgroup. Then someone obviously a Bible Student, posts a reply saying that Russell was NOT the founder of the JW's blah blah blah.
they're everywhere they're everywhere!
run dont walk
I have found on the net, that many Russell followers are very insulted if you call him the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses, it was Rutherford who changed the name in 1931. Just my experience.
It's true though that the real founder of the jws was Rutherford and that many bible students in fact most of them left once they realised that he had in effect highjacked the org and took a very different course to Russell's one. Russell was a conceited fraud himself with suspicious links to the occult world but it was Rutherford that really turned the dubs into the dictatorial intolerant, unloving and cultish organisation that we know.
I can see why the Bible Students might claim that but, like Gordy said, there is a direct link via the corporation names back to him. The organization may have split with the advent of Rutherford, but the beginnings remain the same.
I know that for my grandfather, who remembered Russell coming to his house for dinner when he was growing up, there was no question that the man was the founder of the religion that became Jehovah's Witnesses.
Luna, true Russell did found the WTS and the jws as it happened inherited this printing business, however their present day dogma and style of administration would appear very alien to Russell if he were alive today, it bears the imprint of Rutherford's dictatorial and demonic personality.
In fact Russell would have got kicked out of the jws by the GB as an apostate for many reasons eg he was very much against a highly organised religion, in his day all KHs (ecclesias) had locally and democratically elected elders. Rutherford systematically destroyed that set up to get all power in his hands.
The Bible Students are much closer to his teachings. -
greendawn, I agree that things changed radically after Rutherford got the org into his clutches. My poor grandpa, who left home at 16 and never became a witnoid, sure was confused by some of the things I was not allowed to do. LOL Guess he never paid attention all those years that his sisters (my great aunts, who I never met) were dubs. I know they sent him books and magazines, but I'm sure my grandmother tossed most of it out.
Yes Rutherford did concentrate all power in his hands under the guise of theocracy and tried to secure it by twisting and misusing the bible in a gross way calling all those that opposed him the evil and accursed servant of the parable and satanic enemies of jehovah's organisation and people.
His style of doing things came down to our days through Knorr-Franz and the GB. -
Reefton Jack
The fact is that both Russell and Rutherford would be booted out today if they were still around:
- Russell for reasons already stated.
- Rutherford for his fondness of fine cigars!
Whatever - what difference does it make. Both ruled an empire founded on BS!