from pioneer to muslim...(hope this isnt a repost)
by candidlynuts 12 Replies latest jw friends
Hey I really enjoyed reading that!
Thanx for bringing it to our attention!
Miss peaches
The jws with their extremist works oriented salvation drove him to the Moslems a religion that doesn't have strong restrictions on the instinctive desires of man as do the dubs, traditionally things may be hard in a moslem society but a moslem who could find non moslem girls for sex never had problems morally. They even have temporary marriage arrangements.
Oh lordy. His first introduction to Islam is a woman who says "we're not allowed to talk with men." Next thing you know he's moslem. Yeah, that's the kind of man I want around? Wonder if he has a woman? Probably a dumb, barefoot, pregnant and silent one... Things like that piss me off.
Mary about going from the frying pan into the fire.......
His first introduction to Islam is a woman who says "we're not allowed to talk with men." Next thing you know he's moslem
Ya, surprise, surprise eh? Given the extremely chauvanistic attitude that Witness men are taught, it shouldn't come as any surprise that another chavanistic religion would appeal strongly to him.........and I can't believe that he questioned the Witness doctrine that only the Witnesses are right and will make it through Armageddon, and then goes and joins another wacky religion that teaches the same thing: they're right and everyone else is wrong.
Oh well, to each his own............
Oh lordy. His first introduction to Islam is a woman who says "we're not allowed to talk with men." Next thing you know he's moslem. Yeah, that's the kind of man I want around? Wonder if he has a woman? Probably a dumb, barefoot, pregnant and silent one... Things like that piss me off.
ROFL. BTW, you owe me a monitor (17" Flat Screen LCD) cuz I can't get breakfast to dissolve off the screen with any cleaning agents I have on hand. Just what every man needs... a woman dumber than a dub.
So he joined the religion because he thought they would have AK-47's and they didnt? (thus proving how 'normal' they were) Well whoopdy do.
What a klutz.
Ya, good move. I can't figure out which is worse!! Both are a bit cultish.
Interesting bit o' trivia. It appears this guy, RAPHAEL NARBAEZ, is mixed up with a radically-leaning muslim organization, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
It appears this guy, RAPHAEL NARBAEZ, is mixed up with a radically-leaning muslim organization, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Interesting, so he went from a religion that is waiting for god to kill all the infidels to a group that figures is cool to do it themselves.