My 6 year old daughter was best friends with another 6 year old witness girl and they go to the same school.
Since our disassociation it has been difficult for them to see each other.To get around this, we have recently used my mother (who is not/never been a witness), to take the two girls out to play together. However, two witness mothers at the school noticed that this was happening and proceeded to harrass and have a go at the other witness mother for letting her daughter associate with the 6 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER OF PARENTS WHO HAVE LEFT JEHOVAH.There has been no trips out together for the two girls since.
This to me is so cruel! After all, there was never any contact with us. They just seem to want to punish us through our innocent little girl. The best and most ironic thing about all of this is that the children of one of the witness mothers who complained, are not witnesses either. Their father is not a witness and they do not attend meetings and yet she wants to stop my non witness child from associating with a witness little girl. I call it callous and hypocritical
Thanks for listening