CRUEL toward children!!!!

by chuckyy 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • chuckyy


    My 6 year old daughter was best friends with another 6 year old witness girl and they go to the same school.

    Since our disassociation it has been difficult for them to see each other.To get around this, we have recently used my mother (who is not/never been a witness), to take the two girls out to play together. However, two witness mothers at the school noticed that this was happening and proceeded to harrass and have a go at the other witness mother for letting her daughter associate with the 6 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER OF PARENTS WHO HAVE LEFT JEHOVAH.There has been no trips out together for the two girls since.

    This to me is so cruel! After all, there was never any contact with us. They just seem to want to punish us through our innocent little girl. The best and most ironic thing about all of this is that the children of one of the witness mothers who complained, are not witnesses either. Their father is not a witness and they do not attend meetings and yet she wants to stop my non witness child from associating with a witness little girl. I call it callous and hypocritical

    Thanks for listening


  • katiekitten

    Of course its callous. Screw them. Find some decent friends for your daughter and give those witnesses as wide as berth as possible.

    Although its not fair on the little girls, an apple doesnt fall far from the tree, and give it a few years, that lovely little girl will be telling your lovely little girl shes doing to die at armageddon etc etc

    I wouldnt touch a witness family with a shitty stick. Personally.

  • daystar

    Thanks for posting your story. This is one sort of thing that makes me happy that my four-year-old will never have to deal with this sort of thing by my hand or by any I choose to associate with.

  • orion

    it is so sad that our children are treated this way....It must be hard for her.....Have you tried meeting up with some play groups so that she can have other friends to play with........I know this doesn't fix the fact that she can't play with someone who is already her friend but it might help a little.

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    I am so sorry for the way you and your daughter are being treated. My youngest, now 21, had 3 other witness girls in her class in grade school. We thought it was going to be wonderful that there were 4 JW girls to play together. Unfortunately, this was not the case. They were all so cruel. They would tell my daughter that she shouldn't play with the worldly children at school. So she would ask to play with them. They told her no. The parents weren't much help at all. It broke my heart then and breaks my heart now to see such cruelty to these innocent children.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    That's so disgraceful - I really don't understand their reasoning or what business it is of anyone else.....I'm beginning to think that children really don't matter to the Org.

    I wouldnt touch a witness family with a shitty stick. Personally.
    Be honest Katie, you'd be tempted to give 'em a good prod with one, eh?
  • daystar
    It broke my heart then and breaks my heart now to see such cruelty to these innocent children.

    What a child sees, a child will imitate.

    The Org as a whole is generally a cold, cruel, self-centered, self-righteous organization. Why should we not see that the JW children imitate? I myself was raised a JW. I was a very cold, cruel child. It wasn't until many years after leaving the org that I began to understand the true meaning of love.

    A child brought up as a JW runs a high risk of being damaged goods for life.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    .....and another thing, these two girls see each other at school, what's going to happen there? Will they spend ''playtimes'' together and feel guilty for doing so? What explanation do you give a 6 year old as to why she can't see a friend anymore?

  • upside/down
    They just seem to want to punish us through our innocent little girl.

    Exactly... isn't theocratic "warfare" and "christian love" grand?

    u/d (of the get new friends quick class)

  • damselfly

    I am so sorry to hear about your little girl. It won't mean much to her at this point in time, but she is better off in the long run. Maybe a chat with her regarding what her friend's parents believe and an honest explanation that it is the parents doing this and not the little girl will help.


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