Holding you all in my heart.
Dansk is in the hospital --- emails from Claire
by Alleymom 101 Replies latest jw friends
~~~~~~~Love Peace and Power to you both, Ian & Claire~~~~~~~
........................grateful for the updates, Marjorie..........................
7/23/05 5:14 PM EDT
5.8 litres and rising!!!!
By my calculations that's almost 9 pints.
He is still in a bit of discomfort but he is taking the medication to ease it. He's eating like the proverbial horse and drinking the high vitamin/mineral juice supplements. We're still on course for him coming out tomorrow and going to Bath. I'll keep you posted.
So many thanks to everybody who has posted on JWD. It's really lovely to read all the good wishes. It's a pity that the so-called christians can't demonstrate such love!!!
Lots of love
Sounds like he's doing lots better...I'm so glad! Hope the Bath trip comes off as planned.
Ummm, if I am calculating correctly, 5.8 liters is 196.04 ounces, which would be 12.25 pints, or just about three 2-liter bottles of soda! I can't believe Ian was bearing up all week with that much fluid in his lung. Our dear friend has a lot of grit.
He was positively drowning...
Get better soon!
((((( Ian ))))) All my love, and nightly reiki to you.
((((( Claire ))))) All my love to you, too (there's always lots to go around)
I am so releived to hear you have help, Claire. I can only imagine what you have been going through.
I wish you a good, safe, easy trip to Bath.
Hugs and Love
Healing and Peace
Brenda C
PS - Claire if you would like some reiki sent, I would be happy to add you to my reiki list.
I am so glad that the trip to Bath is still a real possibility! Ian and Claire And that the ENORMOUS amount of removed fluid is taking the strain off of Ian.
Claire -- do you and Ian have a small tape recorder to record the conversation with the oncologist on Monday? If the Dr. doesn't mind, you could tape the interview with his/her permission and know that you can go over it again when in a more comfortable place emotionally. My oncologist didn't want me taping her, (she would put her thoughts in writing for me in a letter) but the nurse who explained the meds and possible side effects had no problem, so I was able to refresh my memory when it was time for my first chemotherapy. Also, my oncologist tailored my protocol to my personal wishes based on family history. I think the most important thing is feeling you are part of a team committed to your own well being. Comfort with your entire team so that anxiety and fear can be lessened considerably. I know Ian has had that with his homeopathic/spiritual supports. Looking for that same comfort level is important. Also, will you have a treatment center nearer home than Bath? In my case, the cancer research institute with which my local satellite treatment center is affiliated is located downtown Detroit, 45 mins-1 hour round trip from home. The local center is 20 minutes away. When I needed blood work done and/or cell stimulator shots done 4 days in a row, it was a relief not to have to travel so long and so far daily, as I was quite exhausted at the time. Perhaps I'm reminding you both of things you've already considered, but if not, remember to try to make this as easy on you as possible.
BrendaC -- When I asked Universe to send Claire whatever energy she needed last night, I saw a rainbow. That's the first time that's ever happened. Do you think this means she just needed a bit of reinforcement everywhere in her balanced chakras? For Ian there was lots of pink and white with some yellow and green, but in waves as opposed to the very connected colors for Claire. I found it curious, but cool!
My love and best wishes for Ian's continued recovery and physical and emotional strength for Claire and the boys, as well.
Brenda ---
I'll forward your excellent suggestion about the tape recorder to Claire via email, just in case she's not keeping up with the messages on the board. (I've been asking her to tell Ian that there are lots of best wishes being expressed here!)
BrendaC --
Oops, didn't mean to overlook you! I'll forward your kind offer to Claire as well!