This is a new book released this year. Did this get posted before and I missed it? If not, take a look, especially the Reviews... lmao
by gespro 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Make me sick.
We have seen men appointed elders who we would not trust to walk our dogs properly. We have seen truly godly, sincere men overlooked and tossed aside as if they were a pile of dust. No doubt you know or have known men who came into the Truth years after you did and were appointed Elders in a very short time. You may resent the fact that these new men are Elders and you are still waiting. Perhaps “resent” is too harsh a word. It does make you wonder though, doesn’t it? What have they got that you don’t have? What are they doing that you are not doing?If you have talked to some of the Elders in the congregation regarding your goal of joining them, they have probably given you vague advice such as praying on it and continuing to “reach out” The term “reach out” in the Kingdom Hall usually means mowing the lawn and performing other menial duties. If you have mowed the lawn and cleaned toilets until you are blue in the face and are still no further along in your goal to becoming an Elder, this book is for you.
We approximate that we have appointed thousands of Elders and Ministerial Servants. Some of our appointments were good, God fearing men. Some of the men appointed as Elders were of such shady character it made us wonder how they had the audacity to call themselves servants of Jehovah. They were appointed anyway. Sometimes because the Circuit Overseer said to appoint them because they had a beautiful wife and gorgeous children and their presence would cause others to follow them into the congregation. Sometimes because they were professionals, such as lawyers or doctors and the community would see that the educated were also Witnesses. Sometimes they were the owners of an SUV that could hold a large group of publishers and they could be counted on to participate regularly in Field Service. Appointments of Elders are made for a myriad of reasons some of which have nothing to do with spirituality. We want nothing more by writing this book than to aid our brothers who are unhappy with their lot in the Kingdom Hall. Service to Jehovah should be a joyful thing. It cannot be joyful if you are sitting in a state of suspended animation, waiting. We decided to use our years of experience to outline exactly what is expected of brothers who want to become Elders in their congregations.
I'm sure it works. So much for Jehovah's spirit directed organization. Anyone who thinks that you can become an Elder in any other way other than brown-nosing and psychological manipulation must be very naive.
I've heard about this. Wasn't it witten by someone at WT Farms?
Odd idea WANTING to be an elder - some very sad cases out there - they could make up the Lake Wobegon Body of Elders - I spent years trying to resign / step down but was always persuaded (emotional blackmail) to stay - perhaps we should all contribute to a new book "How to Make it from Elder to Publisher and survive (then fade)"
Oh so that's what bro Stewart read before becoming an elder
Are you guys sure this is a for-real? It sounds like a gigantic piss-take to me. Onion or Landover Baptist style. Look at the name of one of the reviewers: Ted Jarassho. Me thinks this is apostate literature meant to pass as pro-Dub. Look at the blurb above - does that really sound like a Dub who's "in" writing it? Sounds more like some of the satirical stuff we get written here. The title is suspiciously like "How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying".
At least this book points to the fact that a lot of the elder appointments are based on very mundane political reasons and have nothing to do with being chosen by the spirit, hence the mess they make of people's lives in JCs and by being over judgemental.
In my ex congo there were a lot of politics going on with an elder appointing his clearly incompetent son in law who was in his 20's as a fellow elder bypassing other more mature individuals hoping for this position in their late thirties. -
the reviews are outrageous.