Which English King would you want to meet?

by IronGland 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • MerryMagdalene

    Right on, U/D !!!

    That is why I would like to meet King Aidan. His son may (or may not) been the historical leader upon whom the Athurian legends are based. There are other theories and possibilities, but this one is my favorite so far (by David F. Carroll)...

    T he Kingdom of Manann stretched from the River Forth, which was its northern border, southwards to Slamanann Sometimes its northern border pushed further north, as Clackmanann which retains the name of the ancient kingdom, lies north of the River Forth. Although an ancient British Kingdom, around the year 570 AD it was ruled by Aidan Mac Gabran (the father of Arthur).
    Immediately to the north of Manann were the Pictish tribe known as the Maetae or Miathi.
    In the year 574 AD King Aidan was chosen by St. Columba to be king of the Scots of Dalriada, on the remote West Coast of Scotland. Thus making Aidan as King of Scots and Britons, the most powerful King of the North.
    In 574 AD then, Aidan left Manann for Dalriada, although he would still be regarded also as King of Manann. The vacuum left by his departure was, I believe, filled by his son Arthur, not as a king, but as a leader in his father's absence.
    By his departure Aidan earned himself the epithet, "Vradog" or "The Treacherous", which was applied to him by the other British kingdoms in the region, and this resentment would explain why his son Arthur who remained in Manann to fight the Pict and Saxon, would be held in such high regard by the other British Kingdoms.


    Hey, RichieRich, I think we're related...I'm supposedly descended from Robert the Bruce's brother Edward (High King of Ireland for 2 years).

    ~Merry (of the putting-on-airs class because her unverifiable pseudo-genealogical research has traced her bloodlines back through all kinds of weird ancestors and frightful history...but it's so much fun...)

  • greendawn

    I would like to meet Richard the lion hearted to ask him about his adventures as a crusader in the Holy Land and why they failed to recapture Jerusalem when this seemed to be so likely.

  • mann377

    King James! I would like to show him what the WTBS did with the name Jehovah that his translators came up with and how the WTBS screwed up his translation. Off with their heads he would probably say.

  • tabbycat

    King Creole

  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler

    Dick shit...........er sorry, Richard the turd. :)

    Henry VIII for the dissolution of the monasteries.

    Edward I for his conquest of the Welsh,

    but most of all I would like to meet William II, the son of the Conqueror - it is thought that he was bumped of by his brother Robert, while out hunting. Was he really a gay Satanist? Talk about bad press!

  • katiekitten

    King Creole! LMAO

    Carol, thanks for the tip, I may well do that. I have a distinct two tone look to my boobies at the moment that could do with rectifying!

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