they would spontaneously combust?
If a J.W. went to a Catholic Hospital......?
by hubert 29 Replies latest watchtower medical
I would firmly say..........."Nothing would happen to anyone going to a Catholic hospital.
Here in Pittsburgh, PA from the 1950's until the late 1970' family Doctor was a JW in very good standing who was attached to a Catholic hospital. In fact, my daughter was born in that hospital and many JW's in the area would not have another Dr. but him.
About 1978 or so, a whacked out newly baptized Bro. who was once studying to be a Catholic priest, tried to make an issue out of this Dr. being attached to a Catholic hospital, but he was put in his place by all the powers that be.
At that time, the society said that a person was not necessarily belonging to Babylon The Great if they worked for a hospital that had a Saint's name. ie....St. Jude, St. Joseph, etc..........
It was stated that many investors, not only the Catholic church, owned parts of many hospitals as well as insurace companies, etc.
As for having "written" facts about this.....sorry, but other than this local Dr., I only remember one article that might have been a question from readers addressing this subject.
I wouldn't worry about it, but it would be nice if someone had the published opinion on this......YOOHOO.......Blondie........Quotes.....!!
Just a side note to newspaper readers on the board. If an issue could really be made about what you read, remember.....the Washington Post is owned by the Moonies. YEP........the good old Reverend Sung Myung Moon!
So I don't think thing like this would get one in trouble with the cong. Only joining the Y for their exercise equipment will get you in trouble. Typical Brooklyn BS!
About 1966 the Kingdom Ministry had a question about JW's going to a Catholic Hospital. The answer was "no" you couldn't -- unless there was no alternative. I was pregnant at the time and would have had the baby at the local Catholic hospital, but instead went to another hospital in the same city. About the same time, a brother in our congregation was employed at the Catholic Hospital and his wife convinced him that he should quit even though he didn't want to. They ended up moving out of state because he couldn't find any other employment in the area.
You wouldn't be able to find the Kingdom Ministry article on the CD Rom but I'm sure I could find an original copy of the Kingdom Ministry as I have stashed them for many years. Let me know if you are interested.
Let me add, that it didn't take too long before the thinking changed (I never saw anything more in print) Within two or three years I noticed that witnesses were again working at the Catholic hospital or seeking treatment there. I had a another baby in 1974 and delivered in the Catholic Hospital.
I was born in a catholic hospital and as far as Iknow there were no repercusions
would he/she get reproved or disfellowshipped?
I was in St. Joseph's in Atlanta many times. I was visited by elders, etc.also the blood committee visited.
*** km 2/76 p. 4 Question Box ***
Is it proper for one of Jehovah’s witnesses to receive treatment and care at a hospital operated by a religious organization?Various religious organizations operate hospitals, which provide medical treatment and care. Generally such hospitals are not established for the outright promotion of false religion. They may have been incorporated originally to serve a religious organization as a source of income. Today, however, some hospitals are religious in their name only, whereas others are still partially staffed by members of the clergy.
If one of Jehovah’s witnesses requires hospital care, he must make his own decision as to whether he will go to a hospital that may possibly be connected with a religious organization. The conscience of one might permit him to do so, but the conscience of another may prevent him from doing so. There are certain circumstances that may have a bearing on one’s decision and it is good to consider these.
For example, a hospital with a religious name may be the only one in the immediate area. Or, if there is another hospital nearby, the one with possible religious connections may have a reputation for superior service. Also, such a hospital with a religious name may be the only one equipped to provide the particular treatment needed, or it may be the only hospital where your doctor or surgeon is able to handle cases. Also, sometimes hospitals with religious connections may respect your viewpoint as a Christian on the use of blood, whereas some other private or municipal hospitals may not. So these are some factors that you may have to consider when deciding what hospital to use.
If you do decide to use a hospital with religious connections, you might view it merely as paying for services rendered. You might view it as if the religious organization were operating a certain business, and in purchasing a service from such business you would not be making a direct, voluntary contribution to the support of a false religion. You would merely be paying for a product or a service.
Of course, as a Christian, in such circumstances you must definitely see to it that you do not engage in any acts of false worship. Also, you could not ascribe the usual religious titles, like "Father" or "Sister," to individuals who may work at or visit the hospital. You would have to see to it that the matter is strictly a business arrangement in which you are receiving treatment and service, and nothing more.
So, each one will have to consider all the circumstances involved and then make his own decision as to which hospital he will use.—Gal. 6:5.
In a 1987 Watchtower
“A Time to Speak”—When?
MARY works as a medical assistant at a hospital. One requirement she has to abide by in her work is confidentiality. She must keep documents and information pertaining to her work from going to unauthorized persons. Law codes in her state also regulate the disclosure of confidential information on patients.
One day Mary faced a dilemma. In processing medical records, she came upon information indicating that a patient, a fellow Christian, had submitted to an abortion. Did she have a Scriptural responsibility to expose this information to elders in the congregation, even though it might lead to her losing her job, to her being sued, or to her employer’s having legal problems? ..................
Mary was somewhat apprehensive about the legal aspects but felt that in this situation Bible principles should carry more weight than the requirement that she protect the privacy of the medical records. Surely the sister would not want to become resentful and try to retaliate by making trouble for her, she reasoned. So when Mary analyzed all the facts available to her, she decided conscientiously that this was a time to “speak,” not to “keep quiet.” -
Thanks, Blondie, and Bonnie for that info. and insight.
she decided conscientiously that this was a time to “speak,” not to “keep quiet.”
Wow ! It's like "Big Brother" talking !!!
I found the old Kingdom Ministry. It was actually from November 1964 on page 4.
Question Box: Should one of Jehovah's witnesses go to a religious hospital for treatment and care?
If a hospital is owned by a false religious organization, then it is operated by a segment of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. So those of Jehovah's witnesses who live in an area where they have a choice of hospitals would undoubtedly choose a hospital that is in no way associated with a false religious organization. However, sometimes persons are unconscious and cannot make a choice, or there is no other hospital in the vicinity, or the religious hospital may be the only one equipped to care for the particular thing needing attention. Under these circumstances one of Jehovah's witnesses might go to the religious hospital and pay for care he receives, viewing this simply as paying for services rendered. It would not be the same as making a contribution for the purpose of supporting the false religious organiation. Thus, Jehovah's witnesses may go to religious hospitals for treatment and care if circumstances require it and if they choose to do so.
Is this an example of double speak?