Pitbull vs Porcupine
by Pwned 10 Replies latest jw friends
Did the dog live?
i dont know someone sent me those in an email but i would think that they had to put it down, just my opininon i guess.
Oh, that makes me want to cry. That poor baby!!! If they took all those out, would he not heal??? Would they really have to put him down???
Edited to add: But with all that blood on his lips, I guess the porcupine didn't fare that well either.
I dont know if this is the same dog but it might be:
Can't imagine how Solomon managed to survive having 700 porcupines.....
Stupid dog. Sometimes they don't know when to quit.
Oh the memories...growing up out in the sticks seeing that poor goofball adorned in quills...makes me squirm...
If you ever try to remove those yourself, you'll find that they are barbed at the tip so they lodge in skin. I had a Great Dane who got hit. Had to knock her out to remove the quills...the big dummy...TWICE!