Recently the Awake 2005 July 22 on page 4 states about the December 26 2004 tsunami;
“Exactly one year later, a magnitude 9.0 quake occurred just off the western coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia, spawning by far the deadliest tsunami in recorded history. The killer waves claimed over 200,000 lives and left many more injured, homeless, or both.”
It is common knowledge that in 1737 there was a tsunami in the same area as the Asian Tsunami of Dec 26 2004. The 1737 tsunami killed over 300,000 people, more people than the one in 2004. Why would the Awake state the current one is by far the deadliest?
latest WTS research on earthquakes and tsunamis
by jwfacts 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Actually I just found this site that list's 1970 as the worst it says 500,000-800,000 died if you went by deaths. Maybe they are going by the magnitude of it?? They pretty much say what they want anyway and the duds will belief it.
It is common knowledge that in 1737 there was a tsunami in the same area as the Asian Tsunami of Dec 26 2004. The 1737 tsunami killed over 300,000 people, more people than the one in 2004. Why would the Awake state the current one is by far the deadliest?
Because they want to create the impression of earthquakes having some special significance nowadays without actually saying it explicitly. They seem to have given up on earthquakes some time ago, but the average dub reading this will secretly think this is a sign of the end.
Pole -
To keep the dubs on their toes...what would happen if they wrote that the this recent sunami was very bad but not the worst...Hmmm maybe the dubs would start to think a little more...dangerous for the WTS
Do you think they misrepresent the facts on purpose or just do a lousy research job?
Do you think they misrepresent the facts on purpose or just do a lousy research job?
There is also a 'third way'. It's easy to imagine an "honest" WTS writer who can justify 'minor' misstatements in the name of the big doctrine. It's a halfconscious process. Of course 80% of the WTS dotcrine is made up of minor and gross lies, but this is easy to forget if you just focus hard enough on your little assigned contribution to the TRUTH.
Pole -
The articles in this Aw. 22/07, I had let pass me by{ how remiss!] but looking at it now it seems to be cleverly written to give the impression to faithful dubs that they are pointing out the natural disasters as fulfilled prophecy, but in fact they say very little, bar a description of them and comments about global warming
the only bit is page 11.
"Today we are fast approaching the end of the economic social and political systems of the world. How do we know that?Because Jesus Christ foretold a series of world developments that would provide a sign indicating that Gods day of reckoning is near.Like a volcano that rumbles smokes and spits out cinders, that composite sign includes great wars , eathquakes ,famines and pestilences - all of which have ravaged the world on an unprecedented scale since the year 1914 " Ref Matt 24, Luke 21, Rev 6
I guess they know that a description of an eathquake and a few library pictures of suffering people will be enough to strengthen the faith of the flock
Actually it was the most deadly tsunami in history folks. The 1737 death toll was largely due to terrible winds. check your facts, the WT writers did in this case.
The big problem that I have with the WTS slant on the facts is that they represent out time as being the worst the world has ever seen, and that's clearly not the case. They'll try to use anything to bolster their claim that we are deep into the last days...
Personaly I think they are deep in something else, and it don't smell so good...
Again, it WAS the most deadly tsunami in history...note the footnote.USGS Earthquake Hazards Program: Most Destructive Known ... -