Florida Boy To Receive Blood Transfusion

by Kenneson 16 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Kenneson

    Against his mother's Jehovah's Witness beliefs, Lee County, Florida, Judge James Seals ordered a blood transfusion for Appollo Raymond, who could die with complications from sickle cell anemia without it. The docor hoped the boy wasn't already beyond the point of no return. See

    "Mother's medical wishes overruled. Judge orders ill boy's blood transfusion"


  • Junction-Guy

    Thank God, now at least a child will have a chance at survival. Thats one victory for childrens rights and one blow against "organized" religion.

  • rebel8

    Hope his life is saved

  • kwintestal

    Good for the judge for giving this boy the chance to live.


  • BluesBrother

    Best outcome, the kid gets treated (albeit late), mothers conscience is clear and she is off the hook ...lets hope the lad gets better

  • ArtfulDodger

    Preventing a person from receiving medical attention - be it pills, transfusions, whatever - CAN be taken as evidence of murder . . . does anybody know if a JW has ever been charged with murder (or man-slaughter) when they have prevented another person (of any age) from receiving correct attention ?

  • minimus

    This is why the Society could never overturn their stand on blood. It's all about legal issues.

  • greendawn

    It's ashame this didn't happen with so many other jw kids that proved very unlucky in the end adoring the awake magazine as modern day martyrs.

    I always thought there is a good chance to legally corner them on the issue of deaths due to their blood policy.

  • Dragonlady76

    Glad to see that a Judge was useful for once here in Florida.

    Thank goodness he will recieve the gift of life.


  • Honesty

    Great!!! Maybe the mother will come to her senses and leave the doomsday, death-to-all cult.

    does anybody know if a JW has ever been charged with murder (or man-slaughter) when they have prevented another person (of any age) from receiving correct attention ?

    If my ex let's one of my kid's die because I wasn't notified and she refuses a transfusion to save his/her life there will be one helluva wrongful death suit filed against her and the local JW Hospital Liason Commitee members as individuals. It may be that one day soon, criminal charges can be brought against people, and those who aid them, who deny life-saving medical procedures to their offspring.

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