If you're vegetarian...look away..

by MidwichCuckoo 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • MidwichCuckoo
    Tell them the quail story Midwich!

    You mean the one where I served a quail to my son and told him it was a budgie? Oh, how we laughed...oh no, hang on, that was just me. Little chap loves 'budgie' now though.(can't get it here though)

    Did I tell you about the time I served him reindeer?....it's ok though, Santa has another 8....

  • upside/down

    My dad always serve rabbit right after Easter...

    we always wondered...


  • Legolas

    I ate 'crow' (figuratively) before......Does that count?

  • upside/down

    Now that I think of it I ate sh*t coming from the WTS for 20 years...

    and kept coming back for more.

    u/d (of the slow learner class)

  • RichieRich

    Squirrel, snapping turtle, goat, turkey eggs, deer, wild boar, bear, mountain goat.

    I think thats the weirdest stuff...

    Welcome to NC!

  • jula71

    Oh Lego...shark is really good........almost like swordfish. Can hook them all day day down here.

    The weirdest....alligator tail. Before you guys say....oh gross....it really does almost taste like chicken!!

  • BrendaCloutier

    Menudo! (Mexican Tripe Stew)

    Oysters on the half, directy out of the bay - da best

    Sushi. Favorite are Sea Urchin Eggs, and Flying Fish Roe - and...california roll

    Elk, Pheasant, Canadian Goose, Deer, Sqwab (fledgling pidgeon)

    Snails - the only "meat" I will not try again. I just don't like 'em.

    Frogs legs. Mmmmm dont' taste like chicken, they taste like frogs legs!

    I want to try rattlesnake, allegator, etc.

    I'll try anything once. If I dont' like it, I'll try it again just to make sure.

    I also DO NOT LIKE those little cabbages from outter space.

  • Carol

    Alligator, Quail, Pheasant, Rabbit, Duck, Turtle, Ostrich Egg (one's more than enough), rattle snake, eel, chocolate covered ants, venison, buffallo.......almost any kind of sushi.....and the normal seafood, beef, pork and poultry!

    My son's first kill while hunting was a quail....he brought it home, we cleaned it and I prepared it on a bed of long grain and wild rice.......when I put it in front of him, he cried....ate the rice and never went quail hunting again ( he was 10 at the time and it looked so much like a baby chick, he couldn't kill another one)!

  • greendawn

    The most exotic meat that I ever tried was turtle and it was tasty, those who served it were asking me to guess what it was but I couldn't guess it correctly I thought it was perhaps ostrich then they revealed it was turtle.

    If the opportunity arose again I wouldn't mind eating some again.

  • katiekitten

    The most exotic thing I ever ate was a McChicken Sandwich in America. I dont know what was in it but it definately wasnt chicken!

    (UK McChickens definately have more identifiable chicken in them, but they are more expensive)

    I dont eat any of that crap now, before you all start on me!

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