If a Witness would not allow a blood transfusion to an innocent child, what makes us think that they would not be more capable to do something else?
If A JW Can Let A Loved One Die, What Else Could They Do?
by minimus 12 Replies latest jw friends
in the name of "theocratic warefare" everything under the sun is possible.
There are Islamic fundamentalists and JW ones too.
Right now at least, it seems to be more about what they can't or won't do...
*won't allow potentially life-saving medical procedures involving blood (or certain aspects of it)
*won't report child abuse/molestation if counselled not to
*won't speak to friends and family who are announced as "no longer JW"
*won't celebrate birthdays (although baby showers are okay?)
*won't get involved in other politics (they're theocrats) or other religions (they're hypocrits) in any wayI think if even more restrictions~can'ts and won'ts~we're imposed, they would wearily comply.
As far as what else could/would they do do, what did you have in mind?
I think more than a few of them have indicated that if certain legal restraints were removed, they might be more than happy to engage in a stoning or two.
But it appears to me that the attitude that has been carefully cultivated in them for over a century is more one of non-involvement and letting God take care of things in his own way and time than actually doing anything themselves (other than distributing literature and reading and reciting from said literature over and over and over...).
That is the height of fanaticism if the FDS could manipulate them into doing that then using that same dexterity in mental manipulation everything is possible.
This is religious fanaticism in the league of islamic fundamentalism with the god image and concept, a lot can be done to blind people to issues of common sense and decency. -
Minimus you always come of with the most thought provoking threads!
Merry, touche"
I'd hate to think of what they have done, that we aren't aware of! Because what we are aware of is frightening!
I have long been toying with the idea of a post about how the Winesses and terrorists are more alike than any Witness would imagine. They both want to achieve a "New World" and they dont mind how many people have to die so that their end is achieved.
The big difference of course is that a witness sits back in cheerful expectation that the angels will do the killing for him. Then he can live in paradise, farming land enriched with all our blood Whops ! maybe I go too far.
But as to "What could they do?" , reminds me of the psychology experiments by Stanley Milgram in the 60's . He showed that ordinary people can be trained to deliberately harm others , in the right environment .
basicly, If the G B want something done, they will find the people to do it. Loyalty to them is stronger than anything else
The Chuckler
JW is a selfish religion. All they care about is their own welfare and their own standing with Jehovah. The hook with JWs is surviving Armageddon - sod everyone else - they can go hang. Hence the backstabbing, the brown-nosing of POs and COs and the condescending "holier than thou" attitude they all display.
They would do anything as long as it gets them thru Armageddon, as is proved by the letting loved ones die. -
"I think more than a few of them have indicated that if certain legal restraints were removed, they might be more than happy to engage in a stoning or two."
Yeah, it must be rough to be so restricted. From The Watchtower March 1st 1952:
"The law of the land and God's law through Christ forbid us to kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship."
Wow, EVEN if they're our own flesh and blood? How restrictive! Well, I guess you have to control yourself no matter how strong your desire to murder your family. -
Wow, EVEN if they're our own flesh and blood? How restrictive! Well, I guess you have to control yourself no matter how strong your desire to murder your family.
Now, That's IRONY!!