Reading Farkel's thoughts about being called names, and remembering my own discouragement about the same thing, and thinking about all the posts recently decrying the fighting and bad language, I'm curious to know how my "Seeker" persona is perceived here. I know I have fought with some, made friends with others, so how I am perceived will be varied. I want to know it all, the good, the bad, the ugly. If I can improve in my online interpersonal relations, I would like to.
Here's your chance -- take your best shot. I won't say another word in this thread (unless I'm directly asked a question that needs answering). I just want to know precisely how my persona is viewed here. All of you who have been slinging stones at me, here's your chance to explain why you dislike me or my actions. Those of you who like me, or appreciate my style, feel free to tell me that as well. This is NOT a call for compliments. I'm not trying to boost my ego. I'm genuinely curious to hear all sides of the question, and then I will think about what people say about me (good or bad), and see if I feel I should make some adjustments in the way I interact here.
Go ahead, let me have it. I'm just going to listen now.