OK for WTS to rent YMCA facilities - 1964 KM

by Bonnie_Clyde 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Legolas
    And I was Baptized at YMCA in 1972

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Here is one to think about. Two scenarios - what is the difference?

    1- A Jw goes to the YMCA and pays a daily 'user fee' to swim. The WTS logic is that he is 'paying for a service'. This is not a df'ing sin.

    2- A Jw goes to a local church's ice cream social and buys an ice cream cone. To the Jw he is buying a product -ice cream. To the WTS he has just committed 'apostasy' in supporting the chuch with his funds. For this he can be df'd.

    What is the diff here? Both were one time events - both cost a 'fee' to buy a product or service, both were putting money into the so called coffers of BTG. And how do either scenario differ from 'rentng' a facility for use in an assembly?

    Do I have it wrong -or would a jw be disfellowshipped for #2 but ok with #1.?


  • pooka

    I say no way, if they cant play the song YMCA for the Village People at their weddings how can they rent out the building. I was at a Wedding where the JW bride had to approve every sone and we wanted them to play YMCA and they wouldnt. But they were playing all sort of bump and grind songs. WHat a hoot.


  • Ticker
    But they were playing all sort of bump and grind songs. WHat a hoot.

    That was funny, made me laugh. Btw welcome to the board Pooka.


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