How I got out of JWs, they showed me the way!

by out of the box 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    I have been writing 'my story' in bits and pieces here. This is how I got out.

    I was on my way to a Tuesday night meeting. It was pouring out, one of the kids sick, JW husband wasn't going. I got in the car (this little hatch-back car was a loaner from the garage because our larger car was being repaired) I was stopped at a stop sign and I was on time for the meeting.

    I heard something and turned in time to see something coming at me fast. It was a car that was backing up high speed out from a very long driveway. I could not move forward, nor backwards, so I tensed up and put my arms up and yelled 'NO'!!! She hit the rear end of the car and it spun. I thought I was OK. I got out, we exchanged papers and I felt 'funny'. I couldn't walk straight. I went to the meeting. I felt little popcorn type of jumping in my back, legs and arms. I told the Ministerial Servant who was conducting the meeting that night that I had to leave (and not stay and talk after the meeting) because I was not well. He looked at me and in a serious face he said 'YOU MUST HAVE DONE SOMETHING AGAINST JEHOVAH FOR THAT TO HAVE HAPPENED TO YOU!!! I was floored!

    I went home, JW husband told me to go to bed I looked fine to him. The next morning, I was sore from head to toe. I called my worldly sister in law to take me to the doctor. I had sprained my upper, middle, and lower back!! Twisting and being tense when the car hit caused a lot of damage. I was put to bed. The doctor wanted to hospitalize me. JW husband could not stand taking care of me and went home to his mother and decided to take 'time out'. We had a 6 year old child. So, no hospital for me. AND no pain killers so I could stay aware to take care of my son.

    The elders visited to 'check out my injury' I could not sit with siatic pain. So, they decided that I could go to the meeting and sit on the floor or stand during the meeting!!! They would NOT record the meetings for me, nor send anyone to visit with me! They LEFT ME ALONE! I was so heartbroken and wondering what I had done wrong!!! I took physical therapy for 1 1/2 yrs. When a sister saw me at a store she called the elders and they knocked at my door. 'Are you ready to return to the meetings' I said 'Where were you when I needed you? Why did you all abandon me?' HE SAID 'OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND'. He asked again if I was going back. I said 'Well brother, now that I know you don't care about me and were not interested enough to call, then 'OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND'. He said to me "I don't blame you one bit, if you ever want to come back you know where we are'.!!!

    So, I didn't have to decide how to get out, they showed me how! As a poster on this board said, they do not help anyone but Pioneers. My 20 hours a week didn't count, nor all the baby sitting I did so other moms could get out too without charging them! I would tell them they could bring their child's lunch to save me money and they rarely did that! That was all forgotten! I call them 'good time friends' if that. So, I had no temtation to return. I did go to a meeting now and then to see who was left. I would hear (I was not DF) about this one gone and that one. After 4 years, most of the original crowd there were divorced, out of the JWs, or moved away. There was 1/4th left and they seemed desperate to know me again. But, I walked out smiling knowing I was so far out of there and for good.

    out of the box

  • DannyBloem

    It is unbelievable that people can be so heartless. How could they think that after an accident you still can go to the meetings.

    But they actually did you a favour in retrospect. It did free you from the collective.

    Thanks for your story.


  • greendawn

    That's a really scandalous story but it is also a typical one there are so many people here that had similar stories it all boils down to them not having brotherly love or compassion and from their fruitage you will know them...and they imagine they are deserving of paradise and eternal life. They lost one more member.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    There were a lot of pieces to the puzzle for us... but one of the key pieces was Jesus statement " By this all will know you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves." That scripture played in the back of my mind for years. I see it did for you too.

    Sad story - but freedom has a price it seems.


  • kgfreeperson

    I hope you no longer have trouble with your back and am really glad you're out of the box!

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    Your responses are so KIND. YES I AM OUT OF THE BOX!!! It was a blessing and it did set me free! They do not heed the statement of 'how your treat the least among you' part either! that's OK. I am much better off, they did me a favor! I guess when they 'weed' out, they throw out a few flowers!

    out of the box

  • greendawn

    They surely are the weeds themselves how can they be so suspicious and mistrustful of you and say for your misfortune that you must have angered jehovah to suffer it. They are diabolical people.

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    Yes that is why most of them were 'gone' when I returned years ago (showed up unannounced late to the meeting and left before the Watchtower). A few ran out to talk to me and talk to me. I asked what ever happened to... and they told me 'gone'. WOW. That felt good. I knew that congregation was sick.

    out of the box

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Outofthebox, the whole organization is sick, sick, sick.

    I was in a car accident in November, 1989. The elders came to my apartment when I was being evicted and I only needed some "brothers" to help with the physical labor of moving our things to a less expensive apartment. The move was being funded by California state disability and AFDC. I had a double concussion and two sprained ankles and could not work. I could not do this by myself and with no vehicle at all. My car was totalled. The "sister" I had helped to get a full time permanent job had two vehicles and wouldn't let me even borrow one long enough to go to the doctor's office or grocery store. The elders told me that I had gotten myself into this mess (I blacked out behind the wheel because of hypoglycemia "low blood sugar") and I could just get myself out by myself. They refused to help me. I went ballistic on them. I changed congregations, but I sent a letter to the Gov. Haughty on December 31, 1991 telling them what "white-washed graves and hypocrites" they are and that Jesus Christ couldn't qualify for baptism into their borganization. Those were the nicer things I said to them in the letter. They ordered my dF'ing and it occurred on Feb. 16, 1992, just 6 weeks later. I was glad they did.

    They wouldn't know what love is if it came up and bit 'em on the butt.


  • codeblue

    (((Out of the Box)))

    I am so sorry for your accident and your physical pain...but what those JW's said to you is horrible!!! SHAME on them!!!!

    Lack of love...they are not showing brotherly love at all.................................

    That is why I left..on top of the UN scandal and the pedophile crap (after being raised a JW)...

    Please take care of yourself........and your husband should too!!!



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