The enemy is invisible. There are no rules. They wear no uniform. They come from no single country. They are everywhere, posing as teachers, doctors and lawyers. Some are teenagers. Others are women. They strike without warning. They consider their martydom as God's Will.
Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Morroco, Indonesia, Egypt, United States, London, Spain and numerous other countries have been attacked.
The enemy shows no sign of slowing down, no signs of defeat.
Like the mythological hydra, you cut off one head, another grows.
World War III is unlike any previous world war. Having no battlefield, it is impossible to predict where the enemy will attack or how.
With suicide bombings almost a daily occurence, and with the recent suicide bombing in Egypt killing at least 88 people, men, women and children, all of us are asking the question, "When will it stop? What have we done? Why the hatred?"
It is clear that those who practice Islam peacefully are not the real threat.
Those muslims that see the Western world and apostate muslim governments as a threat to their way of life, are ready to kill, ready to sacrifice themselves for Allah, and kill as many people as possible.We can only wonder: Is what is happening today fulfilling Bible prophecy, or is there another sinister reason for all this bloodshed. Can it really be said that what is happening today is a World War? It could be. After all, the respective leaders of many countries are speaking about the "global war on terror." Bush and Blair, foremost fighters against the terrorists are loudly proclaiming that every civilised country in the world must defeat this enemy of freedom and democracy.