Who all here was personally helped by JWD

by Ticker 70 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Pistoff

    And I forgot to mention one by name who PM'd me with great advice when I came here in 2002, full of anger, having just been shocked awake by the sex scandal



  • LongHairGal

    I remember when I first found this site I was slightly guilty but overjoyed.

    It was a relief to see that other people felt the same things I did. This may sound trite but you can't underestimate this. To a person who could never speak of certain things and had to hold everything in for years it was a release to finally feel free to say the things you always felt!

  • jeanniebeanz

    *raises hand*

    Helped here... Some of the things I've read here I already knew, but there were a lot of issues with the foundations of the witness 'faith' that I was unaware of. I had already put my belief in the witnesses in a coffin, this place nailed it shut and buried it.

    My thanks to everyone here who has helped me see those lying *astards in Crooklyn for what they really are. The peace of mind is a good thing.


  • willyloman

    To say that JWD has changed my life would be an understatement. When I started lurking here I was an elder, conducting the WT Study on Sunday. I had a wife and three children, all fully immersed in dubworld -- despite our long-standing doubts (which I believe many, many dubs possess). Now all five of us are out, along with at least two of their closest friends. And there are signs of further "leakage," all because we found Simon's forum.

    When I say we are "out," I mean much more than that. We are free, we are happy, we are very well adjusted (I think). Information is power, and there is more information available here than any newbie can possibly digest without investing hours and hours. It's an investment that paid off for us. We are not just removed from the dubworld, we are above it. We are stronger than they are. They have lost their power over us.

    I can never express how much I owe you, Simon and Angharad, for the countless hours you've put in to bring this forum to all of us. It has strengthened and united us as nothing else could have. Someone wrote, "I am sure this has God's blessing." I imagine that's true.

  • Disheartened

    This site definitely helped me. I also showed this to my sister (who was a JW) and when she read a thread about silent lambs and about the WT. and the UN issue-that was it for her. It's so encouraging to go on a site like this and read other people's stories. It makes me feel not so bad about my screwed up former JW life. Thank you all who share your stories.

  • love2Bworldly

    Me too!!!

    This place has given me closure on my former JW way of thinking. I love people's humor, and the way people here are so kind to other people who are hurting. And the apologists who post here are at times hysterically funny. I consider people here my Cyber friends who are there when I need them.

  • mapleaf18

    this site just reaffirmed the fact that the only reason i was a jw for so long is because of my parent's indoctrination. i always felt alienated from my parents and now i know why. i was being a good little girl for so long, i lost site of myself.

    knowing that others have experienced the same things and have felt the way i have made all the difference in the world

  • jaredg

    this message board has hands down been the most therapeutic virtual community i have ever been a member of


  • twinkletoes

    We were JWs for nearly 32 years. Until one day our youngest son came across by accident the info about the UN scandal on this site. He told us - we couldn't believe it and after a lot of research with almost instant replies to our questions, we started to see the JWs for what they really are. Our thanks go to Simon Angharad and all of the posters here. Even short little comments are so encouraging especially when you are still feeling guilty about coming out of the Org. The icing on the cake for us was reading Ray's books C of C and In search of christian freedom.

    A big thank you to all


  • vitty

    I was still in when I came across this site, id just googled JW!!!!!!! and this was the first site I went onto

    I just read for hours and hours about how DFs ones had been so mistreated and I thought about all the times I had just thought ppl had "wanted" to be DFs

    I knew nothing about the scandels of the WT but knew something was wrong . Then I read Cof C and that was it

    I must say it was the friendlyness here that made me stay, I have been on other sites but I find they are too aggressive, This one has all the info you need, great topics and is truly welcoming !

    Thanks Simon and Angharod for helping my family get its life back.

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