i am ex pioneer, ex ministerial serpent not been near a kh in 6 years, smoke, drink had a live in gf until recently, but not dfd, so much for keeping the cong clean! still, none of my "brothers" with a couple of exceptions, speaks to me now, their way of trying to win me back perhaps? not that it'd work - i am happy now after 10 years of bs from people who ought to know better but don't
not dfd but no-one speaks to me
by dedpoet 24 Replies latest jw friends
Hey, welcome. You're not just a serpent, but a poisonous one with enough venom to do a whole congregation in .
Welcome. You are among friends.
Welcome to the forum, the jws are not a loving or compassionate lot so you can't expect the demonstration of much christian love from them, especially if they got to hear about your life style they will tend to think of you as disassociated. You are on the right way anyhow getting out of that unnatural and manipulative environment, the less you have to deal with them the better.
Welcome,dedpoet.Enjoy your stay.
Hello and welcome dedpoet.
I am in a similar situation to you, not that I was ever baptized in the first place, but most of the congregation where I last studied refuse to acknowledge me, it doesn't matter though, with a few exceptions I find this quite amuseing.
none of my "brothers" with a couple of exceptions, speaks to me now
..... and your complaint is?
No, seriously - are they treating you like you're disfellowshipped - meaning they look you in your face and don't speak, or are they not calling you on the phone and hanging out like they used to?
If it's the first, you have a right to be angry - and I'd say "hey, hi - cat got your tongue?" everytime I saw one of them. If it's the second, then what really do you want to hang out with them and talk about? Consider it a blessing - you're free!
......and your complaint is?
not complaining, i knew what to expect anyway, i am ashamed to say that i did the same to others when they fell away, i was told it was what was expected of me. i found that very difficult, but complied with the borg's instructions anyway. i see my former friends quite often, and when i first left used to go out of my way to engage them in conversation, but the amusement of that soon wore off and i mostly ignore them now. they did try to "heal me" spiritually at first, but now seem to regard me as terminally sick, having seen me smoking and on occasion worse for drink in public, and they haven't bothered me for a few years now, thankfully.
Welcome to the board!!
and they haven't bothered me for a few years now, thankfully.
Consider yourself lucky.