I marvel how the wts says things and makes it seem like the rest of the world didnt know these things until they told them. I will use the case of a short commercial the wts aired on tv after 9/11. http://www.jw-media.org/edu_videos/psa_02hi.htm. The setting is a young boy who cant sleep and his mother comforts him. Towards the end they flash a bible verse from Titus on the screen. "Love your children". Wow!!! Arent we so fortunate to have the wts telling us for the first time, or reminding those who have obviously forgotten, to love your children!! And for those who might say "where in the bible does it say I have to love my children?", they even quote a bible verse to prove it. How fortunate we are! Imagine what a horrible place the world would be if the wts wasnt informing us or reminding us to love our children! What fine spiritual food!
Telling people what they already know
by gringojj 14 Replies latest jw friends
They put commercials on TV?
Blimey! Is there no getting away from them?!
Yes link to the official site an commercial is provided. How fortunate we are!!!!!!!!!!
Too true. They also tell us not to withhold the 'rod of discipline'. How glad I was the WTS lovingly reminded me to beat the crap out of my daughter!
I was a recipient of the rod of discipline. Its made me into the softest bleeding heart liberal parent ever! Tee hee.
Oh, how cheesy is that!
Maybe donating some of their billions to the victims of 9/11 might have been a better way to advertise their cause.
Now show the mother forcing the kid too put on a suit and tie and force him to go peddle magazines,or force him to go be brainwashed on a thursday night ,or force him to set up all the chairs for the bookstudy at his house,or force him to hang out with kids he can't stand because they "love jehobo",or tell him how all people are worldly.................................ah the love I was shown...................................CULT
The WTS thinks that unless they say it, it isn't official.
I've been under the impression that the PSA was just another way to show that they are a religious groups, non-profit group, serving the public, whatever it takes to stay tax exempt. I tend to think the sole purpose was financial (stay tax exempt).
Is that your new word ig? I see you have been practising making it fit into as many threads as possible.
Did you ever play that game at KH where you and a friend gave each other a phrase that you then had to try and fit coherently into a watchower answer? If only we were at KH together now...