What do you think would happen if the world or at least a large powerful nation accepted and practised the gospel as it is without watering it down?
Would acceptance of the gospel change the world?
by greendawn 37 Replies latest jw friends
We would be back in the Dark ages.
as Daunt aptly points out, we have already had that in the past. it was called the dark ages.
if a nation did become a theocracy of gospel, then we would have a christian version of saudi arabia. and then there really would be holy war on our hands (not that it isn't already). as part of the gospel is to go out and make disciples, and i am sure islam has their version of the same command.
it would change the world, yes. for the worse.
I thought Bush already had. He only invades countries because he thinks they are doing wrong things, (not because they represent a huge new market for oil).
He promised at his keynote speech (or whatever its called) that the USA would stand side by side by anyone (ANYONE??) who wanted freedom and to overcome oppression.
So im expecting him to go into Zimbabe any day now to help all those people who used to live in slums and are now fleeing for their lives from Mugabe. Oh wait a minute, those oppressed slum dwellers dont have any oil, or any other resource we want...
So im expecting him to go into Zimbabe any day now to help all those people who used to live in slums and are now fleeing for their lives from Mugabe. Oh wait a minute, those oppressed slum dwellers dont have any oil, or any other resource we want...
That's not the innate nature of the gospel, if it was genuinely applied up to and including the top echelon of society, given its anti ego anti instinct message it couldn't possibly be a source of darkness. Don't do to others what you hate when it is done to you.
The medieval popes were following their own anti gospel agenda much like the FDS today. -
Try reading "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood. A dystopic, frightening vision of what might happen if the real fundies ever got control of our govt.
I haven't met very many christians who actually practice what the gospel preaches,...they get hold of segments of it and twist it to fit their needs..(abortion is wrong but sending our children to kill other mother's children in Iraq isn't...) and other nonsense like that this is probably what life would be like if everyone "accepted" the gospel.
Just to expand a little on the short but to the point post I did... I'm hearing more and more people ask this question. Everybody should follow the ten commandments and everything would be better or, if everybody follows the bible the world will be better (Mostly from my JW parents eh) but throughout history it has been proven that following these concepts does not bring about world peace.
It's like this, almost every concept is perfect. The concept of democracy is pretty much perfect if everything falls into the right place. Communism is perfect if everything falls into the right place without anybody questioning or doing anything opposite. But the Human aspect of these concepts muck everything up. Communism usually tears down the health and well being of it's occupents. This democractic Republic we live in does not work flawlessly since we have leaders that, once their elected, have too much freedom to do whatever they want without caring about popular opinion.
The ten Commandments and whatnot just won't work because we will need people to enforce it no? There will always be "defects" from this Ten Commandment concept so we will need to make more concepts on how to enforce it, and even more concepts on the interpretations of them. Sure it would be nice if people didn't kill their neighbor and whatnot, but social pressures just won't allow that. So rather than just giving off commands that the average 10 year old can come up with, how about we find out a way to really educate people from natural positions that have a hard time proving false or having doubts with. -
it couldn't possibly be a source of darkness
any worldview, no matter how watered down, that asserts that non believers cannot obtain salvation after death, is truly dark. not only does it assert an unfalsifiable claim that there is an afterlife, but it also says what the afterlife will be like for believers and non believers.
darkness of mind.
Tetra, as for the permanent judgement for the afterlife based on the actions of this life, this is christian mythology not true gospel. People must get a fair chance in the future round of those that were exceptionally cruel and criminal to their fellow humans.
Daunt true enough applying the gospel in ths world was and still is a utopic ideal, however if it was applied then all social problems would automatically get resolved if everyone loves his fellow man as himself, no margins for selfishness and egoism.