Todays study article was called "Parents, provide for the needs of your family" and had several points I thought that everyone here who hasn't seen it would find of interest (my comments on the statements pulled are highlighted: First thought is in paragraph six in reference to providing for the family "Indeed, countless fathers shirk thier responsibility, leaving their family in the lurch. Christain husbands do not share that hard-hearted, casual view of providing for thier own. Unlike many of thier coworkers, Christain providers see even the most menial of jobs as being dignified and important, a means of pleasing Jehovah God, since it enables them to provide for their loved ones." Ok that just made me fume I know many "christain" providers that have no pride in thier jobs and do leave thier families in a lurch. But I like the assumption with "unlike may of thier coworkers", the assumption that no one has pride in a job well done except the witnesses. Grrrr. Second thought is in paragraph twelve stating: "To "inculcate" means to teach and impress by means of repetition. Jehovah well knows that of all of us-children in particular need repetition in order to learn.....parents need to find ways to teach basic truths to thier children, patiently repeating Jehovah's principles until the children absorb and apply them" Hmmm for some reason that seems like brain washing and removing freedom of choice by programming the "children" a certain way. Repeat, repeat, repeat wow they use that on the adults too through all the programs. Third is in paragraphy 15, "Christain children need to learn to share their faith effectively with others." So it's not good enough to have it engrained on brain but they must go and talk about it, whether they want to or not. Fourth found in paragraph 18 "Few things are more exasperating for children than the impression that a parent does not love or value them." Right from the WTS own magazine, so then I ask why do they shun especially since it can exasperate thier children. And finally in the last paragraph: "You thereby give your children the best possible opportunity to "choose life" and therafter to "keep alive."" Doesn't really seem like the choice is really there, and why do they put it in quotes, is it to be sarcastic because they know there really isn't a choice, and that if you go against the witness choice you lose your family and friends who are witnesses. I'd love to see what everyone else thinks of this info. Thank You -Riot |