Are JW's allowed to see one. As far as I can tell they seem to have pagan origins?
Naturapaths (sp?)
by DelTheFunkyHomosapien 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yah, probably pagan. Herbs are pagan too. So are rocks and things like that. I think satan created herbs like oregano, pepper (the red stuff) and plants like marijuana and magic mushrooms.S
Ps, oops, i think i just smoked some
My father was a Naturopath and a JW. I would guess 80% of his practice was JW's. No one had a problem with it in the 50's, 60's and 70's.
So I think the answer to your question is that there is no issue with that form of treatment.
Pagan origins like using herbs and junk to treat ailments. Same as a witch doctor, medicine man, wicka witch.
Pagan origins like using herbs and junk to treat ailments. Same as a witch doctor, medicine man, wicka witch. What do you think humans used to treat their ailments before your friendly neighbourhood pharmacy came into the picture? What do think modern medicine is based on? Aspirin for example.........from the bark of a willow tree.
To the contrary. In my KH, traditional medicine was regarded as evil, subversive, secretive, and to be avoided. Anything "natural" was elevated way above anything traditional medicine had to offer. Many people did not see doctors for valid health problems and instead relied upon fellow JWs who sold vitamins, herbs, did acupressure and stuff like that. There were people into every brand of "natural" medicine out there, even iridology and hypnotism (despite the WTS admonition against being hypnotized).
In my old cong anything natural was viewed with suspicion. I worked in a health shop, and I think they were OK with the wholemeal bread, and vitamins, but when it got the homeopathic stuff they were a bit wibbly - they couldnt see how it was supposed to work so maybe it was demonised!
No one ever actually said it because it sounds silly if you say it, but I think they were a bit wary...
It was too close for comfort - vitamins, herbs, homeopathy, osteopath, chiropracter, accupuncturist, .. ohhh.... getting a bit scary step demonism!
============ step demonism!
If demonism means "a colossal waste of time and money", then I would have to agree with the dubs on this one. ;p
~Quotes, of the "tried 'em all" class -
Of course Naturpath is ok. JWs all know that all doctors are arrogant pricks and full of themselves. Doctors don't know anything.
Greek scholars and historians also don't know anything. Greek scholars and college educated historians are full of themselves .... that is why JWs have their own bible.
Scientists also don't know anything. They are arrogant and full of themselves. That is why JWs have all those creation books to prove them wrong.