So for comparison then;
2005 [2003 in red]
Special pioneers: number 245 [189] increase of 29%
Pioneers: number 92,495 [86,884] increase of 6%
Aux. Pios.: number 31,115 [30,091] increase of 3%
Pubs.: number 867,595 [875,248] decrease of just under 1%
Publisher figures; hrs 9.4 [9.5]; mags 8.6 [8.4]; rvs 3.5 [3.7] ; bs 0.3 [0.4]
Total: 991,450 [992,412] decrease of about 1% Baptized 2,009 [2,863] decrease of 43%
So, while you can make statistics say anything, this report is not positive from the witness perspective. Especially the baptism number. The total publishers is significant too. I give little creedance to the pio numbers - they are always getting new zealots to join the pio ranks - but the effectiveness is not there obviously.
Thanxs Elsewhere for those figures to compare.