WT Society's infinite wisdom on Rev. 5:10 (barf alert)

by ithinkisee 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ithinkisee

    What a pile of crap (especially the closing sentence after their lame interpretation):

    *** w60 6/15 pp. 383-384 Questions from Readers *** Questions from Readers

    In the statement at Revelation 5:10, "they will rule as kings over the earth," why does the New World Translation use the word "over," while other translations, such as the King James Version, American Standard Version, Douay and Diaglott, use "on"?—J. D. J., U.S.A.

    The New World Translation at Revelation 5:10 renders the Greek preposition epí in connection with the earth as "over" the same as it renders the identical preposition followed by the genitive (possessive) case as "over" in Revelation 9:11 and 11:6. "They have over them a king." "They have authority over the waters." Thus you see that this preposition followed by the genitive case does not in every instance have the meaning of "upon" or "on." This preposition, epí, followed by the genitive case, may refer to place in answer to the question, "Where?" and may thus signify "upon, on, in, at, near," but it may also refer to a position as above or as denoting pre-eminence. Thus we read at Matthew 2:22 that Archelaus was king "of" or "over" Judea, and at Ephesians 4:6 that God is "over" all. Also, it may refer to one’s being over a business or an office, as at Acts 6:3, where we read of the apostles searching out seven qualified brothers to "appoint them over this necessary business." See also Acts 8:27; 12:20.

    So in Revelation 5:10 it refers to being over the earth as rulers, not being exactly on the earth, because the rest of Revelation as well as other texts of the Christian Greek Scriptures show that Jesus Christ and his joint heirs of the Kingdom will rule in heaven, which is the throne of God, whereas the earth is merely the footstool and therefore not the place for the glorified Christ to rule. Consistent translators who render things contextually will therefore render this expression in Revelation 5:10 as "over the earth." Thus the Complete Bible in Modern English by Ferrar Fenton renders the verse: "And have made them into a Kingdom and priests for our God; and they will reign over the earth." See also An American Translation by Edgar Goodspeed and J. M. P. Smith.

    The above instance drives home the truth that the Bible cannot be properly translated without knowledge and understanding of the purposes of God.


  • Buster

    {Holds up hand - oooh pick me, pick me!}

    The above instance drives home the truth that the Bible cannot be properly translated without knowledge and understanding of the purposes of God

    There was a thread a few days ago about circular reasoning. How 'bout this one!. We read the bible to get and understanding, AND we use our understanding to translate the bible.

    The idiots that write this stuff.

  • Kenneson

    I wonder why they forget verse 9 which speaks of persons out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, which is reminiscent of Rev. 7:9 and would be referring to the great crowd and not the 144,000. So, how would the great crowd be ruling over the earth, since they are supposedly not in heaven.

    Here is another interesting paradox for JWs. They tell us that the 144,000 began to be resurrected in 1918, (as they die). Yet the Millennium has not yet arrived. How can they justify the 144,000 being in heaven prior to the Millennium and yet they are not ruling over anyone yet? So what are they now doing in heaven?

  • greendawn

    They are like schoolboys who pretend that they can solve algebra problems at the university level, their interpretations are so clumsy and obviously wrong. Yet they do not accept corrections from any one.

  • Kenneson

    "The above instance drives home the truth that the Bible cannot be properly translated without knowledge and understanding of the purposes of God."

    But they have never made claims to being infallible!

  • Hellrider
    So what are they now doing in heaven?

    ...hanging out...drinking scotch, smokin weed. Not on the clock yet, you know.

  • Kenneson


    He he he.

  • sinis

    Why do they have such a hard on for heaven? The research I have done leads me to believe that no one goes to heaven except the Christ. The Kingdom will be ON earth not in heaven singing and playing harps. After all if these annoited are mediators between man and Jesus how am I supposed to ask a question if these are ALL in heaven? Makes no sense what so ever.

  • ithinkisee

    I just found another quote yesterday (and I can't find it now ... I think it was the Revelation Grand yes Yes YES CLIMAX! book) - something about how the anointed only have the heavenly hope because they are the only ones that TRULY appreciate Christ's ransom sacrifice.

    Jeez ... the nerve and arrogance of these guys ...


  • lawrence

    "...because they are the only ones that TRULY appreciate Christ's ransom sacrifice."

    What a hoot! These false prophets spit on Jesus' shed blood and their arrogance impales Him daily.

    False prophets and killers!

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