Would you ever get married to a person of a non christian background such as Moslem, Hindu or Jewish?
Marrying to a non christian
by greendawn 18 Replies latest social relationships
If my only choice was to marry a religious person, I would go with Buddhist or some other eastern religion.
I'm hoping for an atheist/agnostic. I don't think I could ever marry a fundie-anything.
IF I ever decide to get married again, I would hope that they were not religious at all. Maybe Buddist or Taoist, that would be it. Even better if they don't care if god exists or not.
I am married to an atheist, which is almost ideal, but sometimes it might be easier (for me) if he was an agnostic, then I wouldn't seem so caraaazy...If I had to choose again, I think I'd be happiest with a non-religious type, but for the right person I would accept any denomination as long as the person didn't veer to the right politically-speaking, or harbour any notions of a conversion for me...
Their background would make no difference, but I would have to be sure they were not religious NOW. That being said, I don't 'believe' in marriage anyway, at least not the state-sanctioned kind.
I am in a serious relationship with a christian guy. We've discussed getting married in the future. Personally I really love certain traits he has as a result of his Christian upbringing. I couldn't see myself with any other person.
Well If I wasn't already married to one of the greatest guys in the world ( And he better stay that way...LOL).............I would marry Orlando Bloom and I wouldn't care what religion he was!!!
Christians Suck!!! j/k
LOL ... that one's for you Carol gotta live up to my new Vicious moniker ...
but seriously, I'm with Legolas ... if they're really hot, who cares!!
ba da bing, ba da BOOM, that one's for ya too, Carol baybee... woo hoo I'm on a roll tonight. Hey Now! as Mr. Stern would say ..
But even more seriously I'm with Tales ... I don't think I want to marry anyone with a religious denomination ... and I don't believe in marriage anyway ... another man-made tool of female oppression ... Yeah!!! that one was for someone else out there, yep you know who you are ... from me the big FemiNazi!!!
Look at me Carol, jes' getting along and agreeing with everyone and shyte!
woo HOO bizzy's back in town!!!
As long as they are not dogmatic, their religion really does not matter to me (unless it's a cult). As a general rule I won't date a republican. They really turn me off for some reason.