Heavenly class: only 144 000 go to heaven : they use the scrip in Jeremiah I think where it speaks of the slave grabbing hold of the Jew (the 144000 are the jew - great crowd the slave) They use the srip in Luke -"I have sheep which are not of this fold" & in John the scrip on the "little flock" then the use revelation 7 & 14 (this is where they get the number 144000)
Earthly Class: The rest will live on earth in a paradise (great crowd) Scriptures are from Psalms - the meek will inherit the earth, Rev 21: 3& 4, Peter 3 speaks of a new heaven & a new earth. This new world system will be ruled under the kingship of Jesus & the 144000 (kings & priests) for a 1000 years. Satan will be let loose on perfected mankind for a final test. Only then will he be destroyed forever in the lake of fire and sulphur.
Blood: No blood transfustions as this is a direct violation of gods' command to abstain from blood, as the very life is in the blood - Acts
Preaching: You must preach the good news of the kingdom as stated in Matt 24. This is a sign of the end and we are living on the doorstep of Armegeddon. All those not associated with this true organistion will be killed at armegeddon & will not receive a resurrection.
Resurrection: of good & bad - the good being those that were obviously JWs' and died before the end. The bad being those that didn't have the opportunity to hear the good news or those that are related to good jw's and have a credit thingie going on.
Soul: There is no soul - man is a soul and the soul that is sinning will die. Your thoughts perish in the very day you die and there is nothing. Animals are souls too.
Celebrations: Do not celebrate birthdays/christmas/easter and a whole other host of holidays as these are deeply rooted in paganism & are considered evil.
God: There is one Almighty God Jehovah, he is the father. There is Jesus Christ who is a mighty god, the sun, he is the redeemer of mankind (though technically that is only if you become a JW). There is gods' active force which is totally devoid of any personality/being whatsoever. You cannot have a relationship with god if you are not associated with his earthly organisation
Gifts of the spirit: Those all died with the apostles. There is no speaking in tongues, no interpretation, no visions, no prophesy.
Faithful and discreet slave: I actually thought this was the governing body, but was proved wrong at my JC when they said it's actually all of the annointed. These receive truths from Gods' spirit, or are directed by Gods' spirit to impart food at the proper time. Initially however this slave was first Russell (one man - but he died & they need some more). They control what is truth and what is not & it's filtered down to us...
If you'd like anything else specific give me a shout as I have the reasoning book and insight to the scriptures - the only literature I've kept since leaving.