The proof is in the pudding...
Hang with and regularly let it be unmistakeably known that you "cohabit" with "worldly" people...I don't care how "good" they are...
And see what'll be the end of the microphone handling list for you...behind all the up and coming 12 year olds.
I tried and parially succeeded on putting a "friendly" face on the "the truth" for 20 years...I was an assett to the bOrg...and they threw me and my family to the curb like a cheap whore... we did NOTHING...
After 2 solid years of blatant shunning us...we moved on and got new "friends" they say they have nothing to do with us, in part...due to the fact that we have "worldly association"...AAAAAAGGGGGHHH! I'm gonna pop a f*ckin vein!
To hell with the lot of 'em!
u/d (of the give it time and they'll turn on you too...class)