How the Watchtower Perverts Compassion

by metatron 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • EvilForce

    The really sick thing is that most JW's would consider themselves to be in the top 1% of compassionate people when in reality they show no compassion at all.

  • tijkmo
    I wanted to get together every Saturday afternoon to visit the elderly in the community nursing home..

    this isnt even 'official' fs time....this is recreation time...........idiots

    i had an elder call me last week and in the course of the conversation he told me about an old sister in the hall whos daughter is handicapped and now has cancer...and every meeting loads of people go up and talk away to her...he said what other organization would do that??

    i could only say in reply...are you serious

    the sad thing is he is one of the good guys...he just cant see it

  • blondie

    JW Compassion test:

    When was the last time you (not your spouse):

    1. Sent a sympathy card (if you deliberately did not send one for a non-JW family member, subtract one)

    2. Brought over a dinner for someone who lost a family member to death (if you deliberately did not if it was a non-JW family member, subtract one)

    3. Contributed money towards the funeral expenses at the funeral home. (if you deliberately did not if it was a non-JW family member, subtract one)

    4. Attended the funeral/visitation to encourage a JW who lost a non-JW family member (if you deliberately did not, subtract one)

    5. Helped someone move.

    6. Brought over food for a brother/sister who had been ill or in the hospital; helped clean their house or run them on errands.

    7. How many did these things for a non-JW family member or neighbor (add 2 points)?

    8. How many contributed towards flowers/card for non-JWs at work re death or illness?

    9. How many accepted aid from an agency they would never contribute to? (subtract one)

    10. Other

  • jschwehm

    I believe it was back in 1987 at the Summer Conventions where they made it a point to tell JWs not to give money to "worldly" charities because you could never be sure that the money would get to the people in need. And then they emphasized that the greatest charity a JW can do is go from door to door.

    When I first left the JWs, I was on a JW chat room that was pretty heavily moderated. I asked if anyone ever got a financial statement from the Society indicating where the money we donated to the Society went to.

    No one would answer this question. However, I was quickly labeled an apostate and it was not long before they banned me. (I think that question hit a nerve.)

    Jeff Schwehm

  • M.J.
    they made it a point to tell JWs not to give money to "worldly" charities because you could never be sure that the money would get to the people in need.

    Evilforce provided a pretty good way to refute that one. Just look up your particular charity at or similar site then ask "where can I find similar info about the money I give to the WTS?"

  • kilroy2

    The nazis did the same thing, it is called propaganda, and it works on dumb people.

  • jaffacake

    I love this thread and will save some of the posts.

    Most of the New Testament says that faith is how we attain salvation, although Matthew's gospel makes it quite clear that some will inherit the kingdom of God through good works. But his examples don't include field service etc. The righteous are those who feed the hungry, take in strangers, clothe the naked, visit the sick and those in prison, etc. Not everyone who says lord lord....but only those who do the will of my Father...

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The WBTS is anti-charity. However, they want more and more each day for their coffers.

    If JWs go out to eat during the assembly break, they spend more hence less for their coffers. What do they do about this? Behind the mask of Christian association, encourage the R&F to bring their food so that they can have more time to mingle with the other brothers and sisters.

    It's so clear to see their real motives!!!


  • Farkel

    Several years ago (2002) I wrote several pieces entitled "A return to the basics" where I proved the Watchtower Religion doesn't even have the Christian BASICS right. Metatron is so on-target with his observations, and I showed that not only do dubs not help people (mostly) they are forbidden to do so by their religious masters.

    a<href="A'>">A Return to the Basics - Part I</a>

    Here are a few excerpts from that that post:

    THATS' what I mean about talking about the basics. In fact, Jesus himself said the entire law could be summed up into two basic and simple things: love God and love your neighbor. It doesn't get more basic than that, folks.

    Well, the Watchtower religion thinks differently. It has to play with what it thought Jesus really meant when he was talking about loving your neighbor. To a simple schmuck like me, loving your neighbor means without making this too complicated, "loving your neighbor." That looks really dang basic to me!

    To the Watchtower Religion, however, it means not loving your neighbor, but loving your fellow JW. So if a neighbor is not a JW, he must not be a neighbor, even if he just happens to be an actual neighbor. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Or, when cornered on that one, they say that they do love all of their neighbors and they show that love to non-believers by selling them books and converting them.

    So, in sticking with the basics, how did Jesus explain to us to show love to our neighbors? He told us the story about the Good Samaritan. The Samaritans were a group of people HATED by the Jews, yet Jesus showed believers that the Jews were not following his teachings because none of them helped out the poor man who was hurt and robbed by bandits. They just kept walking on by him, showing their hate and prejudice. It took an evil Samaritan to show the kind of help for neighbors he was talking about. That Samaritan didn't sell the guy any books or even give him any books, and that Samaritan didnt offer to study with the victim to show his love and compassion for him. NO! He ignored their differences and helped the guy out with what he really needed at the moment: wounds that needed healing and money to get him going again.

    It doesn't get more obvious and more basic than that, yet JWs are taught to do exactly the OPPOSITE of what that Samaritan did. Once again, by their actions they are calling Jesus a LIAR once again. This is really simple stuff, folks. No arguments over doctrine. The Good Samaritan story is so simple a 4-year-old child would get it. The Watchtower Religion doesn't get it. I'll put my trust in a 4-year-old child.

    With regards to their claims that they DO show love for each other in their own religion (even if they dont for people in other religions), they still have RULES and POLICIES about that! The WT and Proclaimers book specifically state that for the congregation as an entity to help out one of their own in need the following POLICIES must be observed:

    1) The person in need must first have asked all his/her relatives for help and been refused any help.

    2) The person in need must have had a LONG record of service in the Watchtower religion.

    3) The person in need must have also had not just a long record of service, but a long record of FAITHFUL service in the Watchtower religion.

    Otherwise, that person is screwed and the congregation is not allowed to help. This is in print, folks. I didn't make this up. I've posted the references before. Does she have long years of service, but not always faithful service in all those long years? No? She screwed. Does she have short years of service, but all of those short years were indeed years of faithful service? No? Shes still screwed. The congregation will not help her.

    Love your God and love your neighbor. Simple words. The basics. The words of Pharisees trying to make rules out of the basics and in fact, invalidate them. Jesus is a liar once again in WatchtowerLand.

    Would any JW care to explain to us how the Watchtower Religion can make RULES about the congregation helping others that aren't even close to following the example Jesus gave to illustrate his point? Moreover, we arent talking about total strangers who are also non-believes (like the Samaritan and the Jew), but to JW brothers and sisters in need.

    Englishman said in that thread that he wasn't aware of that stuff being WT POLICY. Here are the references I provided for him:

    Here are the relevant Proclaimer quotes, and a few of my modest comments:

    : *** jv 304-10 19 Growing Together in Love ***


    "Do Jehovah's Witnesses in modern times engage in works that demonstrate such concern for the well-being of others? "

    Not really.

    "If so, are these performed by only a few scattered individuals,..."


    : "... or does the organization as a whole encourage and support such efforts?"


    "Loving Help in Local Congregations

    "Among Jehovah's Witnesses, care for orphans and widows in the congregation, as well as for any faithful ones who experience severe adversity, is viewed as part of their worship. (Jas. 1:27; 2:15-17; 1 John 3:17, 18)

    Well, it's not exactly viewed part of their worship. Dubs are FIRST encouraged to suck off the government where at all possible, because as the following clearly states, the PRIMARY responsibility of all dubs is to SELL BOOKS:

    "Secular governments generally make provision for hospitals, housing for the elderly, and welfare arrangements for unemployed people in the community at large, and Jehovah's Witnesses support those arrangements by conscientiously paying their taxes. However, recognizing that only God's Kingdom can lastingly solve the problems of humankind, Jehovah's Witnesses devote themselves and their resources primarily to teaching others about that. This is a vital service that no human government provides.

    "In the more than 69,000 congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, special needs that arise because of advanced age and infirmity of individuals are usually cared for on a personal basis."

    In otherwords, "it's not the considered to be the responsibility of the Watchtower Organization."

    "As shown at 1 Timothy 5:4, 8, the responsibility rests primarily upon each Christian to care for his own household. Children, grandchildren, or other close relatives display Christian love by providing assistance to elderly and infirm ones according to their needs. Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses do not weaken this sense of responsibility by taking over family obligations. However, if there are no close family members, or if those who have the responsibility simply cannot carry the load by themselves, others in the congregation lovingly come to their aid. Where necessary, the congregation as a whole may make provision for some assistance to a needy brother or sister who has a long record of faithful service.-1 Tim. 5:3-10."

    As I've said, they've qualified helping to the needy to the point that even if the person in need DOES have the requisite "long record of faithful service," even then the congregation only MAY step forward for "some" assistance.

    In WatchtowerWorld their ever-so-conditional charity is about "deeds," not "needs."

    The Watchtower would re-write Jesus words this way:

    Samaritan to injured man on the road: "Do you have a long record of faithful service?"

    Injured man: "Well, no, I don't."

    Sarmaritan: "Tough cookies for you, then. Have a nice day."


  • carla

    On the Charitynavigator site you can request a 'charity' to be checked out. I wonder what would happen if they were inundated with requests about jw's? carla

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