every single comment i ever made at the "Creator" book, or the "Creation" book studys, were through and through absurd.
i would LOVE to have recordings of those old comments to listen to. man, would that be entertainment.
by badboy 18 Replies latest jw friends
every single comment i ever made at the "Creator" book, or the "Creation" book studys, were through and through absurd.
i would LOVE to have recordings of those old comments to listen to. man, would that be entertainment.
rofl at was once
cos i know an anton(e)
and so does crumpet
but i dont think he ever said anything absurd at a meeting..he was far too suave? for that..
but i always hit the t instead of the y when im messaging.....t.o t o t o t do it always do that
(see what i did there)
Hell...every comment made at one of thei bookstudies are sill\stupid\absurd.....particualrly when they were going through the Revelation book........for the second and third time.
I happen to be the reader in my BS for awhile....one day I couldn't help but look out in the audience and think to myself "I can't believe we're expected to believe this bullshit".
Couldn't resist. Antone can make that misyake.
Why is it wrong in their eyes to say, "You're on"?
It's not showing proper respect to Jerhover to refer to other brothers with 'slang' terminology.
One time I had a Punjabi speaking Bible student. He used a phrase that sounded like "Son of a Bitches". We laughed so hard everytime he said it. He always had a puzzled look on his face when we laughed.
I'm not sure about Antone, but the elder holding the study claimed that God was real!
I was the reader once when we were using a book that had the name "Darius" a bunch of times. Well, I have a cousin by that name and we pronounce it one way for my cousin and another way from the Bible.
I got it wrong the first paragraph I read and the conductor let me know, so for the rest of the study I alternated between pronunciations every single time I read it. I did that for the entire book study, saying it the "other" way each time I read it, which was probably about 100 times that night.
I was known to balk at authority in the KH, so it really didn't surprise anybody. Most people were giggling about it actually.