I understand that the wts has investments, stocks, real esate, mortgage company, car sales, finance company, publishing company, and i am sure they have other interest that i dont know about. How can they say they are no part of this world? They make a big deal that they dont vote in elections, but isnt having all these investments in business just as bad? I mean we all know that the country is run by the big business, so when they invest in companies to strengthen them it empowers them and furthers political agendas am i wrong? In theory they dont vote, but they vote with thier money.
No part of this world?
by gringojj 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society are as much a part of this world as air is. The leaders don't believe what they print and this is just another example.
Faith of the go to www.un.org class and type in "Watchtower"
Yes the UN scandal just makes them more part of the world.
If they weren't part of the World, they'd be living similar lives to the Amish. I questioned why dubs have cars...why? Cars are not only a VERY Worldly possession, but also harmful to the environment. ''A necessary evil'' I was told.
If they WEREN'T any part of this World, they would be a self-sufficient Organisation. The members would not be claiming State Benefits (and a vast amount do) - after all - where does that benefit come from? Tax payers...tax from tobacco....if they are no part of this World, then the Org should keep them financially. Won't be for long.
''No part of this World'' is just something repeated without any thought - they are very much a part of this World, they just don't like to think they are.
Good caqll midwichcuckoo-It is a mindless,mind numbing saying by witlesses.It has no real meaning.Guess what,not letting your kids enjoy thier birthday and every other holiday doesn't constitute "no part of the world".This self important cult thrives on these catch phrases to unwittingly naive individuals,and exploits them.They are so hypocritical ,its not even funny.
Any thoughts on how voting and stocks are like the same thing?
"Any thoughts on how voting and stocks are like the same thing?"
In my opinion, many corporations do a very large amount of fund-raising and supplying help to political agendas. They do this when it can benefit them in some way. (Look at the tobacco companies and big drug companies.)
By doing business with and buying stock in a company you indirectly bolster their financial holdings which then impact their chosen political agendas.
It's like voting in a sort of 3rd person, indirect way. But, again in my opinion, it is voting nonetheless because it can cause some political result. -
MidwichCuckoo said:
If they weren't part of the World, they'd be living similar lives to the Amish.
You beat me to it! I was thinking the same thing.
The Watchtowerites have much to learn from the Amish about being "no part of the world".
BTW in no way should this post be construed as supporting or agreeing with the Amish; I'm just saying that as far as isolated cults go, the Amish are better at the isolation part. The Branch Davidians were also pretty good too. -
Guess what,not letting your kids enjoy thier birthday and every other holiday doesn't constitute "no part of the world".
I think there's a point there stopthepain. You are of course RIGHT. Although they are VERY MUCH a part of the World, they have to be SEEN not to be. It's all about image.
Birthdays / holidays / voting are all PUBLIC and SEEN. Whereas buying shares in tobacco, claiming benefits and joining the UN as an NGO are all UNSEEN - hidden.
It even goes deeper
"We don't watch rated R movies"--well , a PG-13 movie is still as "worldly"it just doesn't have as many swears,ECT
It truly is all about keeping up the facade that they are different.Oh,there different all right,There different on how shallow there beliefs are.