Very interesting post. Thank you for sharing.
It is interesting the assumptions (or should I say, naivety [sp?]) of the Male voice: you simply asked for more information about their doctrines, and he immediately assumed you wanted to convert and he wanted to assist you to convert.
What hubris! What conceit!
Imagine if you had called up some company and said you wanted more information about their business. They would patch you through to the public affairs office and give you the info. I doubt they would assume you are either (a) looking to work at the company or (b) looking to purchase the company. True, those could be the reasons for the call, but you could also be a student working on a project... which of course, you are. A professional would have asked why you want to know so they could answer appropriately (or perhaps so they could apply appropriate spin, but either way, they would likely ask).
Seriously, how ridiculous does this sound:
Imagine phoning IBM and asking them for "more information about their business, culture, and organization."
Male voice: "Well, IBM has the BEST computers in the WORLD!!! All those other computer companies don't have true computing power; their results are incorrect. But IBM is the BEST! Can you come down to the office here and fill out an application? Did you know we have the BEST retirement plan? Don't you want to retire in comfort? Well IBM is the only place you can do that"
Evanescence: "Um, I just wanted to know about how your departments are organized, for my business class report."
Male voice (totally missing the point): "Well, can I call you at home? [to a 15 y.o. girl???!!!???] Do you know any IBM employees that can get you a job application? Would you like to read our stock prospectus? How much money were you thinking of investing? Class A or Class B shares? Did I mention the retirement fund?"