anyone got anything exiting to say?

by PaulJ 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • PaulJ

    its a very dull thursday. anyone got anything cool to share?

    i'll start- The Extra's and The Catherine Tate show are on tonight- absolutlely hilarious.

    my little girl is nearly walking- her nan has bought her walker/trolley thing and she loves it... couple more weeks and she'll officially be 'toddling'

  • luna2

    Awww on your baby girl...that's great.

    Sorry, nothing interesting to say. It's boring here too. I'm at work and should be on the phone right now getting our new credit card machine programmed to be able to use our check authorization service, but I'm sick to death of being on the phone. Feels like that's all I've done for the past two days. I could file, but I don't much feel like doing that either. I could also work on payroll records. Sheesh, nothing sounds interesting.

    As for this evening's entertainment, I could go see Batman or I could just stay home and watch CSI. Gads, what a pile of dull choices. LOL

  • Crumpet

    Thanks for reminding me PaulJ! Absolute Power with Stephen Fry is on directly after and that is seriously funny. I bet the spin doctors and marketing folks for Westminster just sit there and groan - last weeks was about anti advertising for ID cards.

  • Crumpet

    oh and I am 30 years 3 months and 3 days old today! woohoo!

  • PaulJ

    im at work too. its very very quiet here. i too should be on the phone, but its that time of the afternoon here (3.42pm) when im thinking about taking a tea-break.

    im going to a friends for dinner tonight, should be quite nice.

  • PaulJ

    Yes- i saw Absolute Power as well- very funny! I rekon Stephen Fry wrote it (im not sure) its just his type of humour...

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Hi Paul

    Yep,its a fairly dull Thursday..but i seem to remember they used to be so much duller,especially in the Evening!!

    Another Hour or so at the Grind..then some Drinkies with the Lads later...whilst recording Gervais new show of course.

  • wanderlustguy

    I just saved a ton of money on my car insurance.

  • PaulJ

    Good on you fleaman- its very funny. Thursdays are rubbish cos they are at the same end of the week as Fridays, but they are not fridays, if that makes sense. Same as why tuesdays are also rubbish- they are like mondays, but not as fresh.

    Jeez Ive worked in an office too long. Maybe I should have a career change.... summat creative.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    It's District Assembly time for me starting tomorrow. It doesn't get any more exciting than that!!!

    I'll sit there and take notes so that I don't fall asleep.


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