Another perpetual motor built in Russia

by Elsewhere 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Another perpetual motor built in Russia

    07/23/2005 12:41

    For the last five years the inventor has been waiting for official recognition of his device

    Vyacheslav Strushchenko decided to invent a magnetic motor in 1975. The inventor read more than a hundred books to gain necessary knowledge. For many times Vyacheslav gave up working on his project due to mental strain. Finally, he put all the parts together. The work took him just a week yet it took him 25 years to come up with the final version of the model.

    Vyacheslav filed a application for certification to Moscow patent agency. He did not patent his invention yet. He still hopes to have it patented. For the last five years the inventor has been waiting for official recognition of his device. So far the state failed to appreciate Mr. Strushchenko's invention.

    "I could have sold my motor to some foreign buyer, but I am not going to sell it," said Mr. Strushchenko. He believes that inventions like that should belong to the state but the state does not seem to care. He says that he has been trying to donate his invention to the state for the last five years. According to him, everybody agrees that his invention is a work of genius. Still, he can not get a patent.

    Mr. Strushchenko is confident that simplicity is a key word to any great invention. His wonder motor is made of a few magnets and pieces of metal. These days his neighbors knock on his door pretty often. They want to see the magic machine running. With the official recognition still waiting in the wings, the inventor spends his time grinding knives.

    "My device can operate even in space," said Mr. Strushchenko. He claims the military can put it to good use too. From his point of view, several motors run by magnets measuring 3m-4m in diameter will enable a submarine to operate for several decades without using any fuel.

    Meanwhile, the inventor is working on a new project. He is searching for a new operating equation. His theory aims to prove that even a weight suspended can operate. Mr. Strushchenko is going to spread the news far and wide when all the calculations are at hand.

    Operating principles of the magnetic motor

    You can start up the motor by turning the its handle. The motor will then produce the amount of energy that is a hundred times greater than that used for turning the handle. The two magnets do the trick. They are arranged in parallel. There are two blades overlapping the gap between the magnets once you turn the handle. The larger the magnet, the faster flywheel goes producing energy. It can produce a four-time greater amount of energy if the distance between is reduced by two times. The inventor says the handle and the flywheel can be linked together. Then you do not have to turn the handle. The motor will be running by itself.

    Read the original in Russian: ( Translated by: Guerman Grachev)
  • funkyderek

    Another perpetual motion machine, and nobody's interested? Quel surprise!

  • the_classicist

    In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!

  • Elsewhere

    I keep waiting to see one of these "perpetual motion" machines sealed in a glass box with a little light bulb burning all the time.

    So far, nadda.

  • Quotes


    I predict you won't, ever.

    There is that nut in Florida whose name escapes me, that claims to have such a motor/device. He has been saying that his next prototype, which will prove to the world the concept, is just a few months away. He has been saying that since I was in public school (I'm now 37). Last I heard, he is still just a few months away from releasing it to the world.


    In my Junior year, my Heat Engines and Thermodynamics Professor told us the following aside: In his position, he frequently (I think he said several times per year) gets someone wanting him to examine their plans for a "perpetual motion machine".

    At first glance, he said, the plans do show a net-positive energy output; however closer examination always yields a mistake buried in the elaborate/complex plan; usually the mistake was simple a sign reversal (i.e. positive instead of negative) associated with an "uphill energy flow". In laymans terms, it means something like expecting a cup of coffee to spontaneously heat up.

    Reactions by the inventor upon revealing this mistake resulted in everything from humble confusion and embarassment, to angry claims that this tenured Professor "doesn't understand the system". People don't like to have their cherished pet peeves exposed to the light of day --gee, that sounds like a religion I know!

    ~Quotes, of the "would love to eat crow on this one, but don't expect I ever will" class

  • ArtfulDodger

    Absolute balderdash . .rubbish . . even the simplest of children learn about the conservation of mass and of energy. Energy CANNOT be created (or destroyed for that matter) . . and for a perpetual "motor" you would have to create energy to keep it running. Silly.

  • Simon
    In laymans terms, it means something like expecting a cup of coffee to spontaneously heat up

    They sell those at the supermarked. The coffee is yuck though !

  • heathen

    this is sounding like another one of those ideas that gets lost in a huge warehouse full of ideas kinda like the ark of the covenant in raiders of the lost ark . I don't doubt there are plenty of ideas that would get us off of fossil fuel and into something way better that just won't be accepted by the huge oil industry that has all the friggen money to begin with ... I know I've seen for myself a hydrogen car running that would reach speeds of 60 mph (prototype) .

  • funkyderek
    this is sounding like another one of those ideas that gets lost in a huge warehouse full of ideas kinda like the ark of the covenant in raiders of the lost ark.

    Like a mythological artifact in a fantasy movie? Yeah, it's about that level of realism

    I don't doubt there are plenty of ideas that would get us off of fossil fuel and into something way better that just won't be accepted by the huge oil industry that has all the friggen money to begin with ...

    I'd be very surprised if the oil companies aren't spending big money researching alternative energy sources. If these are discovered by the oil companies, they'll reap the rewards. If they are discovered by someone else, the oil companies will go out of business.

    I know I've seen for myself a hydrogen car running that would reach speeds of 60 mph (prototype)

    The trouble is, at the moment such vehicles aren't efficient. In any case, there's a huge difference between a hydrogen fuel cell and a perpetual motion machine

  • the_classicist
    The trouble is, at the moment such vehicles aren't efficient. In any case, there's a huge difference between a hydrogen fuel cell and a perpetual motion machine

    Every once and a while, they run hydrogen buses here b/c Ballard Fuel Cells is based in Burnaby, BC.

    Last time I saw one, it was broken down at the side of the road, but on the bright side, all it gives off is water vapour.

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