If they were really serious the WTS as an org would have performed a lot of kindly charitable acts and that would have opened up people's hearts to the "truth", that would be worth millions of hours of preaching by mouth, instead of by acts. But people are not stupid and they realised the wts's true colours.
How Would You Prove That JWs Are Frauds?
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
Sara Annie
I firmly believe that simply is no way to 'prove' to anyone in a high-control group that there is rampant hypocrisy and double-speak in what they are peddling.
I think most humans are born with an innate ability to reason out what makes sense and what does not--a sort of 'internal bullshit detector'. The problem with people who are completely immersed in a high-control organization is that this detector is systematically and purposefully disabled by the ideology of the group. Even in the face of undeniable, clearly presented arguments contrary to whatever position they are holding firm to, they simply cannot see that so much of what they deem wrong or wicked in others' beliefs are often exactly the same things that they feel are so righteous and undeniable in their own.
I have come to believe that the only way to plant a seed of doubt in someone who subscribes to a school of thought that declares anyone who is not a fellow believer to be the enemy is to consistently live and act in a manner that does not match the way they've been told that 'non-believers' live their lives. But for most people, even THAT won't work.
I believe exactly what Sara Annie says. If they are already braindead, you can't make a difference. The problem is, we don't quite know how dead their thinking brain is, so maybe seeds of doubt do sprout at times, with our help.
And yes. as Jaffacake says, if you can get them to research the Faithful and Discreet Slave of 1919, and compare it to what the Watchtower teaches today, with the help of Don Cameron's book, "Captives of a Concept", it should make them see the "new" light.
Also, the U.N. scandal.
The other stuff, they just don't want to hear. (Pedophile paradise, flip-flops, etc.)
: How Would You Prove That JWs Are Frauds?
Quote what they've written. I've been doing this for years. "Quotes" is a master at it. No commentary needed. Just quote their shit and let it fly back and hit them in the face.
Quite easy, actually.
Finally, if a JW HONESTLY looked at their own literature, they could not ignore the lies.
Maybe. But they still would believe in their minds that God appointed the Governing Body to speak for Him because it would be too devastating for them to consider the alternatives.
We can only plant seeds and hope they sprout in the dubs' hearts.
I've enjoyed all your comments. When one wants to prove something, they must use logic and facts. The Watchtower's own worst enemy is the Watchtower. Loose lips sink ships.
you can not prove something to a person that does not want to have it proved. A sad fact i am finding with my otherwise intelligent family.
I wrote to my mother the other day that i will no longer hassle her about the JWs until she is interested in 'truth' and not 'the Truth'.
You point about door to empty door is valid. Jesus and the disciples spent very little time going door to door. They went straight to the market places etc where people were. Today in developed countries even less people are home. I can't imagine Jesus driving around on RV's all afternoon when we all know no one will be home. -
Wasn't it Jesus who said," Out of your own mouths you condemn yourselves". That's the best way to prove it, quotes from their own literature. Quotes from 1919 all the way through the twenties is enough to prove that they are frauds, and that they never could be appointed by Jesus to represent him.
If they were really serious the WTS as an org would have performed a lot of kindly charitable acts and that would have opened up people's hearts to the "truth", that would be worth millions of hours of preaching by mouth, instead of by acts.
This is how the Christian faith spread so quickly in the first century, by their love ans charitable acts towards Christians and pagans alike.
Danny's 'witness' to a neighbor who's wife was being called on scared him shitless. Fraud in the name of God Always do a regression analysis just where did it all come from? http://www.naplesnews.com/npdn/neapolitan/article/0,2071,NPDN_14939_3469539,00.html .... The problem with Millennialism Naples Daily News, FL - ... time sneered that it was a "Great Disappointment." Nevertheless, millennial expectations persisted, leading to Seventh-day Adventism and the Jehovah's Witnesses .. In 19th-century America the preacher William Miller was persuaded that the Second Coming of Christ would take place on the night of Oct. 22, 1844. When Jesus failed to keep that date, newspapers of the time sneered that it was a "Great Disappointment." Nevertheless, millennial expectations persisted, leading to Seventh-day Adventism and the Jehovah's Witnesses. --------There you have it folks backup confirmation that Jehovah's Witnesses are "mutated millerites" a spinoff of second adventist. LOOK and open your eyes!! Why even the "Will fall in month of october" false prophecy time line comes from William Miller a civil war army captain. Listen up?Growing up born JW (1957) I have heard/read that Armaggedon will come in OCTOBER at least a hundred times,(WWI started & satan cast out in OCTOBER) There is nothing that made me gasp in horror of all WT/JW falsehoods more then this finding!
(The "great disappointment" of Oct 22 1844) has never falted... it lives on in the Seventh day Adventist (who admit it) AND the Jehovah's Witnesses who deny it)
Yes,you can 'check out anytime you want but you can never leave'
I am not the only one,the ‘fraud in the name of God’ Jehovah’s Witnesses have defrauded MILLIONS of followers.
Without hyperbole,they are responsible for the PREMATURE deaths of hundreds of thousands of followers read>MASS MURDER (some of my own family members) who neglect their health care believing in the Watchtower cult bogus promise of the rapture any day
They are Jonestown without the koolaid.
These ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ killers are not overseas they come to your house.
The stats out there suggest that your risk of being inducted into a destructive cult are TWICE the statistical risk of contracting chicken pox
Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t proselytize they metastasize.
Are they knocking at your door?
Danny Haszard Bangor Maine
Footnote from-to his credit ole Captain Miller went back to farming and never made another prediction.